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I feel myself being shaken awake causing my eyes to snap open. "We are leaving." Charles tells me his voice void of emotion. His cold demeanor sucks the warmth out of the room. 

I look up at him and notice his eyes don't quite meet mine, "are you ok?"

"Leave it Angelina, come on." He says as he jumps down. "What did I do now?" I mumble, beside set the handsy bitch on fire. I make my way down and notice the little square is empty, "where is everyone?" I ask. "They are still sleeping." He replies as we walk out past the barrier and into the forest.

The morning sun streams through the trees lightly as the birds sing. The dew on the leaves cling to my legs as we walk quickly. Charles is tense and quiet causing worry to form in the pit of my stomach. I leave him alone for the sake of not starting a fight and just walk quietly behind him.

Hours pass by and I can finally see familiar territory. We are now at the spot where he first attacked me. A shiver runs down my spine at the memory. The silence is deafening, "Charles." I say softly causing his head to snap to me. "She kissed me." He says roughly causing me to flinch.

"What?" I ask my tone soft as I try comprehend the words that just came out of his mouth. "Olive kissed me." He tells me his voice still emotionless.

I feel my heart break as his words sink in. "She kissed you." I confirm and he nods his head. His eyes and tone emotionless.

I feel anger rise in me, "she kissed you, did you push her away?" I growl out as jealousy courses through me. "she kissed you and you can't even show me a damn flicker of emotion. she put her lips against yours while I was a couple feet away from you and you don't apologize or explain why." I yell as I get closer to him. "What do you want me to say?" He asks his voice barely above a whisper.

"That you're sorry, that you didn't mean to kiss another fucking woman." I seethe as I feel my eyes change color as my vision gets sharper.

His eyes widen and frustration fills me as I push past him and walk away quickly, "Angelina." He says as he grabs my arm. "You don't get to say my name." I say as push his hand off causing him to wince as a bright red hand print slowly fades from where my magic had burned him.

He grabs me again and pulls me towards. I let out a frustrated scream causing him to fly backwards into a tree as the force of the scream knocks him and the surrounding trees down.

"Don't talk to me." I mumble as tears stream down my face as my emotions change instantly. He looks stunned, confused, and guilty. I had to throw him into a tree to get him to show me some emotion.

I walk away briskly as I harshly wipe the tears away from my eyes. I ignore his calls as I break the barrier of the clan and let out a deep breath. "Holy shit you're back." Mariah crushes me in a hug. "Not now." I mumble as she starts asking loads of questions I don't feel like answering.

I open the door to the house and walk up the dreaded stairs quickly. I hear Mariah call out my name as I leave her standing alone downstairs. I wipe away my tears once more as I turn down a random hall and sink to the floor against the wall.

I let out a sigh as I try to calm myself down. "It's ok." I mumble to no one. I notice the dimly lit lights and lack of doors and feel a chill wash over me. I turn my head and notice the door from the other day. Fate has been against me ever since I stepped foot on land. Why not piss her off some more?

I stand up and walk down towards the door. I reach my hand out and grip the cold steel knob. I slowly turn it causing the door to glow green with symbols before a click is heard. I push it open slowly and take in a breath as I turn the light on illuminating the room with a soft white glow.

I walk further in and notice a man sitting in a wheel chair by the window. The door slams behind me causing me to jump. "Who are you?" The man asks not bothering to face me.

"Who are you?" I counter. He moves his bony hands down to the wheels and slowly turns himself around. His face is sunken and his bones protrude. His eyes glow a dim orange color and his teeth are pointed. "You will know in time." He tells me as he assess me.

"I rather know now." I tell him and a smirk appears on his cracked lips. "Malfieus." He replies.

"How long have you been up here Malfieus?" I ask as I glance around the room quickly.

The walls are barren and a lonely bed sits in the middle, other than that there is nothing. "Time does not exist to me anymore." He answers cryptically. "Why are you up here?" I ask causing him to chuckle.

"Curious little fish aren't you?" He asks. "I suppose I am." I mutter.

He looks at me and cocks his head to the side slowly, his thin white hair falls to the side as he does this.  "Someone broke your heart." He mumbles.

My eyes snap up to his and I feel my face harden. "Are you thirsty?" I ask.

He doesn't answer as he just stares at my eyes. I feel as if he is reading me like an open book. I grab a water bottle out of my bag and hand it to him.

His bony fingers shakily grab onto it. "Thank you." He tells me gratefully. "You're welcome." I mumble. "Do you mind?" He asks as he gestures to my hand.

I hold out my hand and he grips onto it softly. My veins glow blue as I feel my magic flow through me. His face fills out more and his back straightens as his body looks more like a human rather than a skeleton. His white hair thickens and his teeth transform from fangs to average.

I pull my hand away and he smiles gratefully. His orange eyes glow with gratitude. "I was right." He tells me astonished.

I move back and look at him with wide eyes.  "What was that? Who are you?" I ask as fear rushes through me. He leans back in his old wheel chair and smiles at me. "Come visit me tomorrow and you will know. Make sure to lock the door on your way out, I don't want the monsters getting in." He says as he turns his chair back towards the window.

I leave an apple on the bed before I quickly make my out of the room. It closes with a soft bang and I place my hand on the wood causing the symbols to glow red causing a click to sound.

Curiosity is going to kill me.



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