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I walk through the small town and smile at the amount of people. These are all dragons. All of his people. Charles protects these people and gives them shelter.

About fifteen shops occupy the small space in the middle of nowhere. I get friendly smiles when a stranger passes by me. They seem to know my name but I don't know theirs.

I walk into a small flower shop and look at the different arrangements. The different scents they give off amaze me. I feel my shoulder hit something hard causing my eyes to move from the flowers.

"I'm sorry." I say softly as I back up slightly. Ocean eyes asses me. "No apology necessary." He gives me a kind smile.

His raven is slicked back neatly and his features are defined, sharp. His skin is smooth and flawless. Almost like porcelain.

A familiar sense washes over me as his eyes meet mine. I feel my eyes widen slightly. "You're him!" I find myself backing up a couple steps more.

His features resemble mine almost indefinitely. Our eyes could be mirrors if the height difference wasn't so great.

He gives me a soft smile. "Hello Angelina." I feel my heart quicken as my brain freezes. "Can we talk?" He gestures to the door.

I nod before turning robotically towards the door. The warm air hits my face as we push into the outside world.

"A little birdie told me Elijah had a conversation with you." His tone is neutral, not giving anything away. "I don't want him to get in trouble." I say softly. "He won't. I just would like to know what you do." He sits on an old bench in front of one of the stores.

He looks out of place here. A godlike god in an all black suit sitting on a bench in a dragon clan in the middle of May.

I sit beside him and proceed to telk him what I was told. He listens tentatively, his eyes never leaving me. "It's true isn't it?" I ask. "Yes. You are Poseidons daughter, my daughter." He whispers.

"Did I know before?" I ask. "No. You knew you were a demigod but before anhthing could be explained the incident happened." His jaw clenches as his eyes flash silver.

"What did happen?" I ask pulling him from his thoughts. He looks at me for a second as reluctance passes through his eyes. "Your ex mate messed with the scrolls. That is all I am at liberty to say. "What about those people. My mom and...dad?" I ask.

He gives me a small smile and nods. "They are your family as well. They did raise you. Those memories are real. You were returned there when your memories of Elijah and being a demigod were erased. Your mate now is truly one of a kind." His jaw clenches once more causing me to smile.

"I must go now. I am not supposed to be here." He says standing up. He pats my head softly and kisses my forehead. "Until next time my dear. You can find me in the water."

I watch as he walks towards the forest and dissappears. I still have so many things to ask.

I stand up and sigh softly before making my way back to the house. I walk in the door and feel someone grab my waist. "Finally." Charles groans in my ear. "Finally." I whisper with a smile. "I met him." I tell Charles. "Poseidon?" He asks with his arm still trapping me against him.

"Yes." I reply as he kisses my shoulder softly. "How was it?" He asks softly. "We look like esch other. Like alot like each other." I whisper.

He turns me in his arms. "Is he nice?" I nod my head. "His eyes do that thing that mine do when I'm upset." I grin at him.

He kissea me softly and smiles. "I'm happy you are finally getting answers."

I kiss his nose and pull away gently. "Are you hungry?" I ask. "Always am." he replies as he follows me to an empty kitchen.

"Busy day?" I ask as he sits at the bar and watches me with a lazy smile. "Sadly, but it's getting better."

I shake my head as I start cooking. "Do you mkss your dad?" I ask as I pour sauce into one pan. "I miss the man he was before my mom left. I saw a glimpse of that man before he died." Charles breathes out.

I frown slightly at his answer. I can tell he has some regrets about not doing something sooner. "If something ever happens to me. Don't go on a killing spree. Ok?" I ask with a soft smile. "I'll try not to, but don't count anhthing out."

I finish the spaghetti and put the meatballs on top of it. I place the plate in front of him along with a slice of garlic bread.

I slide in the chair next to him and smile softly. "Nothings going to happen to you." He tells me as he twirls the pasta onto his fork.

His eyes don't meet mine. I place my hand on his arm causing him to look at me. "Nothings going to happen to me." I promise. He gives me a small smile and nods.

We eat in silence after that. I had a strangling feeling that I had just lied to him. That something was going to happen to me.

I find myself unconsciously looking up at him. I don't think I would forgive myself if something happened to me or him. If I left him all alone.

I kiss his cheek softly causing him to jump slightly. "What was that for?" He asks with a smile. "For loving me."

His smile widens as he pushes his empty plate aside. "For loving you?" He asks. "Yes. For loving me." I confirm with a nod. "I think I deserve one more." He taps his cheek with a smirk. "If you insist." I whisper as I lean in and kiss his cheek once more with a smile.



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