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Weeks pass by and still nothing is heard. I feel as if I'm going mad. We get one meal a day and two cups of water.

A gaurd comes up to me grips my arm roughly pulling me up. "You've been pardoned. There was another murder." He says gruffily.

He drags me out of the bubble and across the gravel once more.

I feel myself gasp as they throw me in the back of a car. I feel my body relax as relief floods through me.

Guards aren't friendly at all. My body feels weak and gross. My bones ache and I miss Charles deeply.

I am counting every minute on the road as they take me home. They stop at the road and open the door. I quickly and shakily get out.

The car drives off leaving me alone. I walk a ways to get to the house. Everyone stops talking when they see me and stare.

I feel self conscious, I can only imagine what I look like. I push open the door and sigh softly as the familiar smell reaches me.

I find Charles in his office upstairs. He is sitting with his head in his hands. "Charles." I whisper softly. His head snaps up and my eyes widen.

His eyes are dull and look as if he hasn't slept in weeks. "Angelina?" He asks as he gets up quickly and wraps his arms around me.

He buried his face in my neck as I run my hands through his hair. He sinks to the floor with me in his arms.

"There was another murder, they let me go." I mumble. He kisses me deeply, his soft lips move against mine and my body instantly relaxes.

He rests his forehead against mine and caresses my cheek. "I went crazy when they took you." He growls at the memory. "Charles." I whisper softly as I place my hand on his cheek.

His eyes meet mine and I smile softly. "I'm ok. I promise." He kisses me deeply gripping my cheeks softly. I gasp causing him to deepen it. He pulls away and grips my hands.

"Charles, the queen told me to tell that she sends her blessings." I mumble. His eyes darken as he pus away slightly. "What?" He asks. "She told me to-."

He lets out a low growl as he stands up anger swirling in his eyes. "Did she touch you?" He growls. "No. She was kind to me. Charles, what's wrong?" I ask as he sits back in his chair.

I stay seated on the floor, not quite trusting my legs yet. "That's my mother." His deep voice is laced with hate. "Your mother?" I gasp out.

"She played my father then climbed the social ladder even higher. She is the reason we keep him locked up and weak. She did that to him." He slams a fist on his desk causing the wood to splinter.

I flinch at the sharp noise and look up at him. "Does that mean you're royal?" I ask. "Not necessarily. If they produce an heir my sister and I will be lucky. We won't have to take a position in court." He informs me as he rubs his jaw slightly. "They still don't have an heir." I tell him.

"They won't be able to. They may both be dragons but he isn't her mate. Dragons can only have children with their mates unless one of the mates passes away." He explains.

He grows distant before recognition blooms in his eyes. He picks me up and smiles. "Let's get you cleaned up and fed. I'll have the doctor come check you out. I'm sorry for doing this sooner." He grumbles.

I kiss his cheek as he climbs the stairs. "I agree as long as the doctor looks over you as well." I tell him. He smirks and nods. "Fine. Only for you."

My hair dries a poufy mess of curls after my shower. The doctor had already checked Charles and now it's my turn.

He looks me over quickly but throughly. "You seem malnourished and these scrapes will heal after you've eaten properly." She says with a smile. "Thank you." I reply. "It's my job, plus everyone in our clan wanted to meet you." She signs off on a peice of paper and grbas her bag. "Let's hope I don't see you anytime soon."

I flop tiredly on the bed and sigh softly. "No sleep before you've eaten." Charles says as he places both hands om either side of my head and smiles down at me.

He is already starting to look better. I place my hand on his cheek and smile. "Fine." He kisses my forehead softly before throwing on a shirt, sadly.

I admire his form as he walks to the door. The muscles under his shirt tense as he reaches for the handle. "I can feel you staring." He says with a smirk as he peeks at me over his shoulder.

Heat creeps up my neck and rests on my cheeks. "I was not." I tell him matter of factly. "Oh yes you were." He says turning back to me.

"I was not." I state as I hold my ground. His shirt is off in an instance once more. I can't help my eyes as they slowly travel down his defined chest and stomach. They stop at the V that disappears under his jeans.

I clear my throat softly as my eyes snap up to his. "Maybe I was staring a bit." I whisper as he leans down towards me closely. "Did you like what you saw?" His voice is rich and deep. "Maybe." I whisper as my eyes flicker to his lips.

"What do you want to eat?" He asks me softly as his face inches closer. "You." My eyes widen as I hear the words come out of my mouth. He raises his brow as a smirk appears on his perfect lips. "Me?" He questions as a devilish look forms in his eyes. "I uh, meant pancakes." I say softly.

"No I think you meant me baby." He says as He pushes me down gently as his hands travel up my sides slowly. Goosebumps erupt on my skin as my stomach clenches tightly.

"Do you want me baby?" He asks as he spreads my legs and nestles between them. I can feel his not ao little friend against me.

My eyes are wide and my cheeks are flushed. My mouth opens and closes like a fish stuck on land.

He chuckles softly snd kisses me deeply. The taste of him is intoxicating. His kisses are quite literally my drug. "I love you. I'll bring your pancakes up." He says getting up and putting on a shirt.

He walks out laughing leaving me sprawled out on the bed hot and confused. I sit up slowly and stare at the door. What the fuck just happened?



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