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Charles hand holds mine securely as we walk down the dirt path. We are on our way to the village, he checks the shops once every year to make sure everything is up to date and going smoothly.

I take my next step and the air around me shifts as Charles dissappears. My heart drops. "Charles?!" I call out.

I take another step and feel the geound crumble beneath my feet. The air rushes out of my lungs as I fall freely. I land roughly on snow covered ground.

It's the same path I was on but different. "Welcome to my world." A deep voice greets. I spin around with wide eyes. "You." I breathe out causing a cloud of my breath swirl in front of me.

"It's nice to finally meet you." He smirks at me. His ruby eyes hold mine as he asseses me carefully.

Its dark here and cold, but I can still make out his features. Cold eyes, hard set jaw, cracked lips, thin frame. He looks like a ghost.

"I'm Ezrix." He announces with a slight bow in his scrawny frame. "Why am I here?" I ask him. "Because I invited you. I decided it was finally time to stop toying with you and make the actual play date." He gives me a sinister smile.

"What is this place?" I ask as I look around. Thick trees covered in snow surround us, no signs of life anywhere.

"The netherworld." He says plainly. "Now come. Show me what you are you made of dear." He gestures for me to make a move.

"No." I shake my head. He frowns. "I have been watching you. Daughter of Poseidon, we are a fair match." He gestures once more.

I look him up and down. "Fine." He growls out with annoyance in his voice. "Fight them then." His hand crashes into the ground as a smirk appears on his lips.

My eyes widen in horror as I stumble back. Hands emerge from the snow, decrepit and boney.

Soon, the heads followed by the bodies stumble out. Their eyes lock on me, no more than twenty. "Kill her." He orders.

They move towards me instantly with teeth bared and decaying flesh exposed. I feel the warmtg of my mgaic rush through me before bursting out of every pore on my body.

They fall to the snow in a heap before turning to dust. "You want a fight. Then come at me." I hiss as anger courses through my veins.

He chuckles darkly. "Finally." He mutters something causing the ground beneath me to tremble and crack.

I quickly move as the earth opens. I put my hands over the ground causing the snow to turn to water. I hurl it at him causing him to become trapped in the water.

He lets out an enraged scream as he fights against my magic. I push harder and focus on taking the oxygen out of the water.

He stops fighting soon after the oxygen dissappears and his body goes limp. The water flushes away and he falls to the ground. His breathing is shallow. "If you kill me now. You'll never go home." He wheezes out.

"I'll find a way." I hiss before driving my hand into his chest and ripping out his heart. I toss it next to him as the life from his eyes fades.

I light a flame in my palm and throw it onto his body. It ignites instantly. I sit beside his burning body as the ground slowly closes.

I look around this world and feel a shiver rack my body. In the distance a terrifying screech echoes through the trees.

The fire dies and his body is nothing but ash. His ashes blow away and scatter in the wind. I stand up and dust off my pants.

The screech grows closer causing my feet to move quickly. Red eyes peer over the tops of the trees causing my eyes to widen. "Holy shit." I whisper.

I take off at a sprint as the ground rumbles with each step it takes. The snow continues to fall around me as I stumble blindly through trees.

A gasp escapes my lips as my feet fail to meet solid ground. I tumble down a hill and quickly move to my feet.

A mountain range stands before me cutting off my path. I place my hands on the stone and let out an angered scream. The stone rioples causing me to fall into it.

Darkness surrounds me as my kness hit the hard stone floor. I light a flame in my hand and grab a torch from the wall.

A small scream escapes my lips as I am met with dozens of corpses, bones. Nothing is left but the armor they wore.

I slide down the side of the wall and put my head in my hands. The screeches from outside can still be heard. My guess is that thing was afraid of the necromancer and I killed him.

My main priority is getting home now though. This world is not mine. I look at the bones huddled together across from me. Swords, bows and arrows, shields. They must have been hiding from that thing too.

The hideout is small, barely a decent room size. The warmth from the torches is enough to heat it up quickly though.

I look at the scrapes on my legs and frown. They must have been from when I fell. "Do you guys know how to kill that thing?" I ask the bones. No reply. "Thought so." I whisper as I stand up and grab a sword from one of the deceased. "I'm going to borrow this. I hope your don't mind." It's heavy in my hands, but nothing I can't handle.

I swing it around a couple of times the memories come flooding back. Me and a girl sparring with a sword. Then the boy Elijah cutting in.

I put the sword in the sheath and shake my head slightly. I'll kill that thing then find a way home. If I don't, I have a feeling I won't make it back.



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