The Kiss

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I gasp as I feel the air rush into my lungs as I sit up. "Jesus." I mumble. "Angelina?" I look over to see Charles sitting beside me holding my hand. "They let you out?" I ask him softly.

"They said your wound got infected and then let me out." He says. "They cleaned it and redressed it and gave you something to help with the fever." He informs and I nod as I lay back down.

"Will we ever make it back?" I ask laughing softly. "Who knows." He mumbles as his eyes study my face.

"You are really beautiful." He says softly. I feel my face heat up. "You are too." I reply causing him to chuckle. "I'm handsome, not beautiful." He replies. "You're both." I say as I wink.

He throws his hands up in defense. "I'll take your word for it love." He says.

Roan walks in and gives a ghost of a smile. "Water child can leave tomorrow, has been sleeping for two days." He tells me before dropping off some food and leaving.

"Two days?" I ask looking at Charles. "Yes, your body needed time to heal. It's almost completely healed." He says.

"Good." I mumble sitting up and leaning against the wall the bed is against.

"You worry me." Charles says as he runs a hand through his hair. "I don't mean to." I say softly as my eyes meet his.

"I know." He mumbles as his eyes flicker down to my lips causing my breathing to hitch. Was he going to kiss me?

I find myself looking at his lips, they look so soft and full.  I look back up at his eyes. "Fuck it." He mumbles before leaning in and kissing me deeply. I feel his hands thread through my hair as I grip onto his shirt lightly. His lips are soft and dominant.

I can feel my face flush as I relish in the fact that he is kissing me. Rather passionately.

He leans back a bit and rests his forehead on mine as a smile breaks out on his face. "Wow." Is all he says. "Wow." I repeat.

"Was I your first kiss?" He asks and I scoff as I look down. "Yeah was it that obvious?" I ask.

"No. It was wonderful." He says kissing me once more just as passionately.

He pulls away and this time I'm the one who is smiling. "I better stop before I lose control." He says smirking. "Yeah." I say softly.

He gets up and grabs the tray that Roan left. "You need to eat." He says placing it on my lap. "Yes sir." I say mock saluting.

He smirks and leans forward. "Only in the bedroom." He whispers in my ear before kissing my neck softly and sitting back in the chair beside the bed.

My face is now on fire as I clear my throat and keep my head down. He chuckles and sets the tray down. "Eat." He says softly.

As soon as I'm finished Roan comes back in and takes the tray. "Water child may leave now." He says.

"Thank you Roan." I call out as he walks away.

Charles helps me put my shirt on. The bandage is still wrapped around me. They put herbs on the wound and I was instructed to leave it on until further notice.

We walk out and towards the edge where Roan was waiting. "Until next time." He says patting my hand. I smile at him before he turns and glares at Charles.

We walk through the curtain of vines and to the other side. I look back and notice a tree where we had come out of. Magic I suppose.

"Home now?" I ask him. "Yes please." He says grabbing my hand softly.

We start walking. "Do you know where we are?" I ask him. "It's familiar but my knowledge is slim." He replies.

"Can you shift into a full dragon?" I ask him. "When needed, yes." He says smiling at me.

After about an hour of walking we come across a lake. I run to it and gasp softly. "Its so clear." I tell him as I run my fingers through the silky cool water.

"Most of them in these forests are." He informs me as he sits by me at the bank. The water is so clear that you can see straight down. Colorful rocks lay on the bottom but there are few fish.

"It's beautiful." I say softly. "It is." He says but when I turn to him it's not the lake he's looking at.

I feel my body heat up as our eyes meet and I stand up. I clear my throat softly and shrug off my shorts. "I'm going in." I say. "Really?" He asks. "Yeah." I say in a duh tone. I missed my tail and being in water. I wasn't not going to.

I take off my shirt and realize my lack of bra. I shrug and take off the bandage. My wound has almost completely healed and getting in the water should do the trick.

I step in and feel my body instantly relax I also feel Charles's eyes on me. "Enjoying the view?" I ask as I wade deeper. "I am." He replies his voice husky.

I dive under and instantly feel my legs disappear. The strength I have as I dive deeper into the center of the lake is intoxicating.

The cool water surrounds my body and I can feel my eyes changing color. Everything gets brighter. My hair swirls around me as I swim down to the bottom and revel in being in my true form.  Everything in this lake is so vibrant.

I swim to the top and smirk as I see Charles. "Join me." I say as I swim closer to him. He looks hesitant. The scales on my tail change from a light purple to blue depending on the way the sun hits them. Curiosity flashes in Charles's eyes before he nods and starts stripping. I instantly turn before I feel the heat of his body around me.

"Can I touch you?" He asks me his breath fanning against my neck. "Yes." I nod as I feel his hands on my waist before the move down. "Beautiful." He says as he touches my scales.

He spins me around and his eyes meet mine. "Wow." He says softly.

He leans down and captures my lips with his. I place my hand lightly on his cheek as I kiss him back. I feel my tail disappear and my legs reappear as he deepens the kiss. He tightens his hold on me before gripping my thighs and pulling me closer to him.

Our breathing is heavy when we pull away. "I guess we know what happens when you're in the mood underwater." I say as I look at me feet through the shimmering surface.

He lets out a low growl and smirks. "In the mood huh?" He asks and I wrap my legs around his waist. "You'll never know." I say smiling at him. "I regret leaving my boxers on." He says smiling and I laugh.

I push off him and my tail comes back. I splash him causing him to growl and swim after me. "Good luck trying to catch me." I call out as I dive down.



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