Chapter 86: The preparation and discovery

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We tried not to be so down despite Bob being bit and all since the wedding was taking place in a couple days, a week at most, which was exciting but...really quite scary. Rosita had been kind enough to go out with Maggie and had found a large flower patch, they said we would decorate the church with the flowers for the wedding.

They couldn't go out to look for a wedding dress plus if we were in any trouble i couldn't run in one of those so they settled for a shorter white dress, but beautiful all the same (you'll get to see it on the wedding day guys, you don't have to use your imagination unless you want too). Everyone was talking details but not over the top since this is an apocalypse and all, Sasha managed to smile a little despite the fact Bob's condition has worsened, we all knew he only had a little time left, in fact it was surprising he's been holding on this long.

Sasha had gone out for a breather as being around such a frail looking Bob was doing a number on her, cautiously i pushed the door to Gabriel's office which was currently Bob's bedroom for now. I had a bucket of cold water to help with his fever and a cloth, Bob was currently fast asleep and i'm glad i could tell he wasn't dead by the steady rising and falling of his chest. Placing the bucket down in front of me and sitting on a stool i dipped the rag in the water and rung it out before folding the now cold cloth and resting it on his forehead.

Luckily he didn't wake from that as he needed his rest "get well soon" i whispered before standing up to leave "thank you" his voice was hoarse from dissuse, i stopped once i heard him. I was facing the door my back turned to him, smiling i walked back out again and closed the door behind me. Rick and the others were heading out again to look for more supplies, though we were fully stocked on food we needed water, meds nappies for Judith etc.

I waved them off, those who were left were Tyrone, as he needed to be here for Sasha, Sasha of course, Carol, Maggie, Eugene, Tara, Glenn, Carl, Judith and me. I sighed and pushed the door shut but before it could close all the way Carl took my hand and tugged me out shutting the door behind him. The blue eyed male led me towards the back of the church "what are we doing here Carl?" i asked confused.

Not saying anything he walked closer and knowing he would never hurt me i didn't move, with one hand on my waist just above my hip the other hand on my cheek brushing away my hair. I blushed slightly, we may be engaged but that doesn't mean he still doesn't make me flustered. His face inched closer and i gulped, his lips brushed my own before solidly sealing over my own.

My eyes were half lidded but i could see his own closed lids before shutting my own, not knowing what to do with my hands i gripped lightly onto the arm that held my face and the other pressed against his chest. He pressed further, surprised i stumbled back and not wanting to break the contact he moved with me until i was pressed rather uncomfortably, though i wouldn't complain, against the wodden church.

Carl's tongue trailed across my bottom lip asking for access, complying nervously i opened my mouth allowing the pink tissue to dart in. He lifted the hand that was on my hip and rested it beside my head before pulling away quickly with a hiss and holding his hand, i took his supposedly injured hand into my own and surely enough there was a small shard of wood protruding his skin. A splinter.

Carl pulled it out and threw it too the ground "forget about it, i'm fine" he sighed leaning in to kiss me once more but i pushed him away "Carl" i whined looking at the area he had put his hand on and gasped, carved into the wood of the church were the words 'You'll burn for this'. Carl was clearly confused my it too "we should tell your dad when he gets back" i mumbled tracing my finger over the carving making sure not to splinter myself also.

The male pouted at the fact the mood had been ruined but didn't complain further just pecked my lips once more and led me back into the church so i could treat his wound and make sure it wouldn't get infected.

Rick came back soon after and we immediately took him to the back of the church "we found this" Carl said pointing to the ominous words that had been carved into the wood "we'll have to look into this, what were you two doing back here anyway?" he asked with a raised brow. We turned to look in opposite directions, pink dusting our cheeks causing my soon to be father in law to laugh "don't worry, you don't have to say anything let's go back inside, (Y/N) since Gabriel seems to trust you most will you try and break the question to him?" Rick asked.

I nodded, the task seemed easy enough i just couldn't be to blunt or i'll scare him away, so we walked back into the church as the sun was beginning to set and we had more wedding preparations to take care of, not to mention dinner to prepare.

~Together~ (Carl Grimes x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now