Chapter 55: Quick Goodbye

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Carl was definitely happy to see his father again after such a long time, Rick seemed to be avoiding Carl but i suppose it was because he looked like Lori just the slightest amount. Carl greeted his father with a hug Rick was certainly shocked but gave his son a brief hug "you okay?" he asked "i'm fine" Carl replied. I smiled at the heart warming scene and watched as Carl bounded over to me "thank you" he said "for what?" i asked "for bringing my dad back...i mean i'm going to try talking to him but i wouldn't of bee able to find him so thank you" he finished. I nodded pecking him on the lips and walking over to the holding cell "good day! Sasha Tyreese" i greeted, they smiled and nodded walking towards the bars "i think today's the day Rick decides whether or not you guys can stay or not" i whispered to them making sure Rick didn't hear.

Sasha nodded as a thank you and walked back to tell the others, Tyreese following. I smiled slightly as i stepped away from the bars and further into the cell block. I sat next to Carol who was putting away some medical supplies and subconciously played with the charm bracelet that Sophia had given me long ago (did you think i forgot about that ;) ) "what's that?" she asked "oh this bracelet? I've had it for a long time, longer then i've been dating Carl at least" i said "where'd you get it from?" she asked "Sophia gave it to me" at this Carol tensed and i glanced at her "she said if we were ever separated to remember her with the charm bracelet and know she was always with me" i continued a hint of a sad smile on my lips "i miss her..." i whispered "me too" she replied patting me on the head before walking away.

 Rick called everyone over announcing that he was going to decide whether Sasha and the others could stay or not. I gulped as we gather in the large hall, i shot a reassuring look towards the 'prisoners' and looked over to Rick who was standing further away then he normally would. Rick turned his attention to the balcony upstairs "you..." he whispered "LEAVE!" he yelled at the balcony, i stepped forward but stopped myself "Rick your answe-" "none of you can stay" he cut Glenn off "but we-" "GET OUT!!!" he yelled loudly. Sasha and Tyreese huffed before walking back to the holding cell to collect their stuff "i'll see you guys out" i told them "no you will stay here" said Rick "no, i'm going to say goodbye" i argued "don't-" "you making them leave Rick! At least let then leave with a warm goodbye" i cut him off for a change with a short glare before walking to the holding cell to help Tyreese and the others pack.

I walked them to the door with a small sad smile "i'll miss you guys" i whispered, Sasha smiled back before giving me a hug "we hope to see you again one day" Tyreese said as he moved on to give me a hug. Without noticing one of the men that were traveling with them snuck behind me and caught me in a head lock before pointing his dagger at my throat. I grabbed at his arm (i don't know the guys name so let's call him Ben) "Ben! What are you doing?!" Sasha yelled "we need this place to survive, this girl means a lot to them. She's good bait" he smirked with a breathy chuckle. Tyreese took his gun from it's holster and aimed it at Ben "let her go Ben" he warned shakily "come on're not that kind of guy" he reasoned.

Tyreese hesitate before gulping and cocking his gun "let. Her. Go" Sasha warned in a dangerous tone, I could feel Ben's heart hammering against my back as he lifted the knife up ready to plunge it into my throat "NOW IT'S OVE-" Ben didn't get to finish his sentence as Tyreese fired and i was released Ben falling to the floor with a thud. I rubbed my throat which was slightly sore from his harsh grip when the group ran out "we hear a gunshot what happened?" Rick asked "Ben grabbed me and tried to kill me, Tyreese and Sasha saved me" i informed. Carl ran over and wrapped his arms around me worried, i returned his embrace and looked over his shoulder to his father "so Rick after do they still have to leave?" i asked.

Rick contemplated the idea before shaking his head "i'm sorry but my mind is made up" he sighed, Sasha sighed frustratingly and Tyreese "nodded we understand" he sighed. Taking Sasha's hand and pulling her along the other survivor following silently, i sighed and gently pushed Carl away and walked straight passed Rick bumping into his shoulder harshly and stroming straight to my room.

I sat on my bed with my head buried in my hands "hey kid" a familiar voice called, i looked up to see none other then Daryl Dixon leaning against the doorway "what?" i asked "you can't be mad at Rick i mean he's doing it for the good of the group" he justified "...i know but he doesn't trust what i say at all! I told him they could be trusted but he didn't listen" i whined "well Ben did try to kill you" "i know that! But Sasha and Tyreese they would never of hurt any of us" i protested. Daryl sighed a nodded "yeah well Rick is pretty down, your anger made his more mopey then before" and with that Daryl pushed himself off the door and walked away.

I sighed and stood up heading to Rick's room, knocking on the bars i heard a faint groan saying i could come in. I entered and stood in front of Rick's bed where he was sitting in the same positon i was just earlier "hey Rick" i said, at my voice said man turned his head up to look at me. I fidgeted nervously "look, i'm sorry it's just i really liked Sasha and Tyreese and after they saved my life it just wasn't fair they still has to leave" i aplogized. Rick nodded in understanding "i shouldn't have lashed out like that or sent them away" he sighed. Carl's father stood and held his arms open, smiling i walked into his fatherly hug. I guess this is where Carl gets it from, i can't stay mad at either of them for long.

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