Chapter 66: Knocking on Death's front door

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

It wasn't long ago that i had been told Glenn was alos in here and that's when i demanded to see him, Dr. Caleb securely wrapped an arm around my waist, my arm was over his shoulder and he helped me trudge along the halls to Glenn's cell which had to be the one furthest from mine. But finally we made it, Caleb helped me into the seat next to Glenn's bed, the asian man was still asleep beads of sweat rolled down his face as a coughing it awoke him, leaning over the side of the bed he hacked blood onto the floor "Glenn!" i called worriedly but weakly.

After he was done coughing he looked up at me "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" he asked "i should be asking you that" i sighed handing him a handkercheif to wipe the blood left over on. Gratefully he wiped his face and hands before placing the cloth on the bedside table knowing i wouldn't want it back.

We sat there and talked keeping each other company when all of the sudden my chest began to ache terribly and my throat felt like it was closing. I fell off the chair coughing a dangerous amount of blood onto the floor "Hershel! Caleb!" Glenn yelled hoarsley, unfortunately the two men were far away checking on other patients. I rolled over to my side with what little strength i had knowing that if i didn't i could choke on my own blood. My throat burned and more and more blood flowed from my lips splattering on the ground, Glenn was still desperately caling someone to help, the other patients hearing the commotion also yelled to them beginning a chain. I was losing oxygen and fast, the more blood that clogged up my throat the less time i had to breathe in.

Eventually blood began to flow from my nose also, trailing down slowly adding to the small pool of blood on the floor, i curled into a ball hacking up blood painfully. Strangled cries left my lips until soft pounding on the ground could be heard as Caleb and Hershel ran as quickly as they could over to me with an oxygen pump thing in hand "this is going to be uncomfortable but it's going to help you breathe" the doctor said. Ignoring what he said just desperate to breathe again i tugged at the device in his hands, nodding he ordered Glenn to hold me down and handed the pouch of air to Hershel the tube in his hands.

Caleb opened my jaw slowly inserting the tube into my mouth, it hit the back of my throat and i gagged forcing the tube back up "do your best to resist gagging okay?" he asked. Squeazing my eyes shut as my lungs screamed for oxygen i felt the tube push down my throat, it was extremely uncomfortable and i felt like breathing this way was impossible. Hershel slowly bgan pushing on the bag of oxygen, sweet air filled my lungs and i closed my eyes in bliss as ever 6 seconds or so he pumped once again. Glenn clutched onto my hand tightly knowing i was scared and he was too he knew that everyone outside would hate the news of what just happened to me but they needed to so they could undestand how urgent the cure was. Dr. Caleb used a napkin and wiped the blood from my face gently dabbing around my nose "i think i may have a good idea what this is now" he said hopeful "Glenn do you think you could manage pumping the air? Every 5 or 6 seconds pump in some more okay?" Hershel asked, Glenn nodded hesitantly taking the pump from Hershel's hands careful not to jostle it too much and send it down the wrong whole in my throat.


Glenn became more and more sweaty, his coughs were more frequent and even more blood littlered the floor now. His pumping became soft and slow, i had oxygen but not quite enough. Glenn stopped suddenly clutching his chest and leaning forward coughing up blood much like i did before, oxygen began to leave my chest. So taking the pump into my hands i did exactly as Glenn had been doing, knowing i couldn't yell with a tube in my throat i grabbed a metal cup on the floor and dragged it across the metal bars creating a loud noise. I kepe on doing it my eyes darting between the hallway and Glenn who was coughing non-stop just like i had been.

Pumping in one last time but harder i held it in my lungs and with some difficulty pulled the tube out of my throat, wiping the tube of the blood as quickly as i could i rested Glenn's head in my lap. Looking at him apologetically i pushed the tube into his mouth and tried to resist his frantic struggling to get the uncomfortable tube out, knowing which hole to push it through sinc i had trained with Hershel i slowly pumped air to Glenn who had calmed down. I was losing oxygen once again and the other patients could tell as they once again began calling for someone to help, slowly blood dripped from my mouth at a surpising rate my grip on the pump became weaker. All air i had once held released. With the last of my strength i pumped air into Glenn and fell the floor, blooding pouring from my mouth and dripping from my nose beginning to form a pool beneath me.

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