Chapter 79: Little cabin

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We followed the tracks tp turminus until we could see the gate in the distance "we should walk back see if we can find a base so i can investigate" Carol advised, with no arguements we turned around, i spared one last glance at the place my eyes narrowing in suspicion when black smoke arose from what appeared to be a chimney behind the gates. Not long after an awful stench wafted our way with the wind, i covered my mouth and nose with my arm and coughed "it's smells putrid" Tyrone sputtered "it reminds me of when we..." Carol trailed off "burn corpses" i finished.

Trying not to let the smell and smoke deter us from the idea of a safe haven we eventually came upon a small shack or cabin "hey guys, i'm going to scout the area okay?" i asked, with nods of approval i waved before jogging into the woods. Luckily there were no walkers in sight but that was also rather strange, they seem to be more attracted to Turminus, but i'm not surprised since there must be a lot of people there.

A twig snapped not to far away, pulling my gun out of it's holster (we found some ammo along the way thank god) i aimed it in the direction of the noise "come out!" i yelled knowing it couldn't of been a walker since they would've showed themselves by now. Soon a man stepped out, he seemed to be in his mid twenties, blonde hair, green eyes in any other case i would've thought this guy was a total hottie but since he's a potential threat there wasn't anytime for that. Seeing my guns he raised his hands with a smirk "wow, little girls with guns what has the world come too?" he sighed almost in a mocking tone.

I scoffed "who are you?" "straight to the point, nice. Names James" he greeted with a bow a hint of a Southern accent in his voice "are you from Turminus?" i asked, he nodded "you heading there?" he questioned stepping closer, my gun once pointed at his chest now aimed at his forehead "not so close" i ordered. Without stepping back he only held his hands up higher and continued walking closer.

I prepared my gun to be shot and that's when he stopped "come now, you wouldn't shoot a living person would you?" he asked "try me" i hissed. Reaching behind him he pulled out a gun and tossed it to my feet, i picked it up and stuffed it in the back of my jeans "you're stealing my gun?" he asked with a pout "if were fighting i don't need you picking it up" i replied not lowering my gun.

He took another step closer and i lowered my gun quikly shooting right next to his foot, he jumped up and away from the shot "that was a warning, i said not. So. Close" i warned. Now gulping as he saw the seriousness he nodded stepping back "i really hate shooting living people but i will do it if you cross me". Holstering my gun and tossing him his i turned around "you shouldn't turn your back on me" cold hard metal was pressed to the back of my head, the barrel of his gun. I sighed before quickly turning arouns with my arms out and knocking the gun out of his hands "you should work on your grip, not to mention your threats" i leaned down picking up his gun "and just for trying to shoot me i'm taking this".

James scowled leaves crunnched under his feet as he approached to try and attack me again, but just as he did so his own gun was aimed at his face "turn back James, if you know what's good for you go back to Turminus" i turned back once again. Emptying his ammo out into my hand i tossed his his now empty gun "by the way...your safety was on" i laughed as i heard his curses and stuffed the bullets into my pocket.

I ducked behind a tree to observe James' moves, he sighed stuffing his gun back into his jeans and turned back into the direction of Turminus. Letting out a sigh of relief i continued scouting tyring to understand the nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that something big was going to happen and it was going to happen soon.

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