Chapter 106: Business in the woods

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

It didn't take long for me to wake up, I sighed and lifted myself from the bed and headed over to the window. Pushing aside the curtains I did not expect to see Carl climbing the gate, not at all.

Worriedly I rushed out of the house grabbing my weapons just in case, by the time I got too the gate he had disappeared over it. Looking around and making sure no one was in sight I began to climb.

Someone had stuck was appeared to be a small pole into the railing too use as a ladder. Once I reached the top I make a rather quick descent. I could see Carl walking through the forest, he hadn't seen me yet.

Quietly I followed, it didn't take long for him to stop and sigh "what are you doing?" I asked. He jumped and turned around "(Y/N)! I just...I saw....nothing" I chuckled somewhat sadly "you saw Enid didn't you?" he looked to the ground ashamed.

I walked closer my arms crossed over my chest "do you not want to do this anymore Carl? Do you want a divorce or something?" I asked, he looked up in shock "wha- no!" Carl gripped my hands tightly. I shrugged "then what? Why is it that as soon as Ron introduced you too Enid she's been all you care about?".

Carl's expression was serious "she's no-" "well it doesn't seem like it" I cut him off. I refused to raise my voice, I didn't want to fight but jealousy does things to people "remember our promise? We're together in this" he clarified.

I gazed up at him through my eyelashes Carl smiled down at me "I'm sorry, I know I'm overreacting" I leaned forward resting my forehead on his shoulder. Carl wound one arm around my waist the other on the back of my head. His head was down near my ear so he could whisper "what did the volcano say to the other volcano?" he asked.

I giggled "I don't know what did it say?" I replied "I lava you" rolling my eyes at the stupid joke I pulled my head back "seriously Carl, that was awful" I scoffed with a grin. He shrugged "it still made you smile" I shook my head with a chuckle "yes, yes it did".

Carl was silent, he reached for my hand, he intertwined one with his own and his other hand cupped my cheek. Slowly we gravitated towards each other, I closed my eyes as we were inches away, Carl doing the same.

As soon as our lips brushed he planted his own on mine, the hand which cupped my cheek now moved back to gently grasp the back of my head holding me closer.

My free hand was rested on his arm as he pressed further for closer contact I stumbled back. He came forward not willing to break the contact, eventually my back hit a tree and there was nowhere else to move. I broke the kiss panting lightly, just as soon as I got a breath he pressed his lips against mine once more.

This time my hands went around his neck, before running through his hair and knocking his hat onto the grassy ground below. But quite frankly, neither of us cared at this point.

Carl lowered himself suddenly to hook his arms under my legs, as he heaved me up I squealed in fear of falling over. Putting my legs around his waist I hooked my feet over each other to held support my weight. Though the tree did most of the work.

Carl left my lips instead trailed kisses from my jawline to my neck, I tilted my head to the side. Urging my heated skin towards him, Carl chuckled at my action sending vibrations through his kiss.

I mewled at the sensation, and gently pushed Carl's head away from my neck. Moving to kiss him once again, when I begin to slip Carl stepped forward. The action pressed our hips together, Carl reeled back with a gasp leaning his head forward and closing his eyes "are you okay?" I panted.

His cheeks burned red as did mine "y-yeah" he replied "did I hurt you?" I asked. He let out an airy laugh "quite the opposite". My mouth formed an 'o' shape as I realized what had happened. It wasn't pain it was pleasure.

He went too kiss me again "Carl we-" again "should" again "stop" as we swooped in to kiss me once more he stopped at the word "why?" he asked "well first of all this is the woods and there's a walker creeping up behind you" I said he turned.

The walker was pretty far away and nothing to worry about "secondly I'm not sure If I' know, ready yet". He slid me down so I stood on my own feet "I'm sorry" I mumbled. Carl laughed "it's fine, I'm not going to pressure you into anything, take your time" I smiled in gratitude.

I leaned forward landing another kiss on his lips "love you" I whispered "love you too" he replied pecking my forehead. I patted his chest and began walking back to Alexandria "you coming Carl?" I asked.

He had grabbed his hat from the floor and was using his to cover his crotch area "uh...I have something to take care of first" he said averting his eyes with a blush. I snickered "have fun with that! See you Carl!" I called as I ran for the gates.

Maybe I am just overreacting, I have no reason to be jealous. Since it's only me who can make Carl feel this way.

~Together~ (Carl Grimes x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now