Chapter 56: The truth about Shane Walsh

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Today we were planning on heading out to get some supplies since our went down significantly when Tyreese and the others were here. Daryl, Michonne, Rick, Carl and I were going Glenn had offered to come also but Maggie told him to stay behind as they needed more people to protect the group.

After arriving at our destination i removed my gun from it's holster and walked to the front doors of the convenience store. Luckily walkers were preoccupied with the pet shop, i'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing the animals were no longer alive. Carefully we made our way into the store grabbing a basket i started stuffing things we needed into it like bread (which thankfully wasn't moldy) and some pencils with paper for Judith and possibly anyone else who would like to draw.

A sound from in the storage room caught my attention the others didn't hear it and deciding it would be too troublesome to bother them i put the basket down and walked over to it. With my gun ready i opened the door to reveal a women stuffing food in her mouth. She turned to me and backed up afraid "who are you?"  i asked, hurriedly swallowing her food she answered "Maria" i narrowed my eyes in suspicion "what are you doing here Maria?" i asked "i was so hungry, and i thought there would be food in here so i came in" she replied in a panicked manner. I lowered my gun but didn't put it away "are you alone?" i asked, she nodded "what have you been doing to survive this long?" i asked "i've been hiding and desitracting the dead people to get to food" she answered.

The woman's stomach gave off a quiet growl, i had been saving it for later but with care i reached into my pocket and revealed a chocolate bar. I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to give it to her since they were hard to find and a child can't go long without chocolate. I stepped forward slowly so as not to scare her and held out the chocolate bar "are you sure?" she asked "go ahead" i smiled, happily she took it from my hand and started muching on it "(Y/N)?" Daryl's voice caught my attention "who the hell is she?" he asked pointing his crossbow at the woman who gave off a scared cry.

The noise she made alerted the rest of the group and they all filed into the storage room with weapons raised at her. I stepped in front of the woman so she was protected "don't! She's harmless! She's just hungry, she was here before us" i snapped "she could be dangerous" Rick warned. I sighed "her name is Maria, she's been on her own for a while hiding and distracting the walkers to get by...Rick she needs our help" i said. Said man narrowed his eyes "how many walkers have you killed?" he asked "5" she replied "how many people?" he asked "1" she said with a gulp "why?" "he was going to turn, he asked me to do it. I didn't want to but...he begged me and i couldn't say no" the woman seemed saddened "who was it?" i asked quietly turning to her "my son, my little boy!" she sobbed into her hands.

There was a loud bang and the back door burst open, walkers waddled in. Before i could reach her in time they grabbed Maria from behind and quicker then you could say "banana's and pancakes" they bit into her throat tearing the flesh from her body. My hand flew to cover my mouth as her screams echoed in my ears, someone grabbed my waist and pulled me out of the storage room closing the door in front of me. I turned away from the door and we all quickly grabbed the supplies racing to the car.

The drive was silent, i stared out the window watching as the trees passed by until the prison came into view. Without a word i stepped out and into our cell block.

Once everyone was in i turned to them "we could've saved her" i said "no we couldn't, you were closest to her and you couldn't even reach her in time" Daryl argued "that's not what i'm saying! You didn't have to ask questions! I already knew we could trust her! We should have just taken her with us and gone" i spat "it would've been too dangerous" Rick said calmly "dangerous? I told you to trust my instincts Rick! When have i ever been wrong about someone?" i asked "you have been! you used to trust Shane!" at that i shut up. My widened eyes slowly narrowed "you're right, i never thought her could aim a gun at your head...twice! I never thought her would kill Otis! I never thought her would kill Randall! I never thought he had it in him to try and rape Lori!" everyone gasped.

My brows were furrowed on sadness "i-...i never thought he would try to kill me..." i whispered "he was the father i had when you weren't there Rick! Before i got close to Daryl and Glenn! He protected me and Carl...he was just like a father. But when you came he changed! He saw how much Lori still loved you and something in him snapped, at the farm you all wanted to know why i punched him right?" i asked. They nodded "just earlier him and me were having an arguement i started yelling at him and he started yelling back, i said something and once again he snapped. He started to wrap his hands around my neck and he squeezed so tightly...He pushed me against a pole and before i knew it my feet were no longer touching the ground. He tried to kill me Rick!" tears formed in my eyes and wrapped my own hands around my neck almost as if i was simulating the memory.

Dumping the supplies on the table i stormed off to my room, pacing around i ran a hand through my hair and kicked the wall ignoring the pain that shot up my foot. Before i knew what was going on someone wrapped their arms around me tightly, i instantly knew it was Carl "i'm sorry, i'm so sorry! I didn't know he did all that, i should've looked better, i should've seen! I should've protected you" he mumbled. I returned the affection "it's okay Carl, he got what he deserved. I'm here now you don't have to worry and i protected your mother Shane didn't get to touch her" i whispered soothingly rubbing circles on his back. (like this: now i know link things don't work on here but it wouldn't work in media either so you might have to type it in k?)

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