Chapter 71: They're dead, not different

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We've been walking for days, finding shelter in the woods away from walkers right now we're really low on supplies, water is almost out, we only have a couple of cans and chocolate bars left for food. Most of us can last at least a little while without supplies but Judith can's, without the water we won't be able to make her some milk she's our main priority right now. Carol was currently holding Judith as we walked along Lizzie and Mika clung to her in fear they were going to lose her again, though i still didn't want Judith anywhere near Lizzie i let it slide this time since i know Carol would never let anyone hurt Judith.

Mika stopped abruptly and pointed to the sky "it's smoke" she said "we shouldn't go over there, we don't know if it's gone out yet or not" Tyrone sighed "it's not out, the smoke's black" Carol informed. Cocking a brow at her knowledge of this subject i just shrugged to Tyrone who gave me the same look, now that i think about it i never actually told Tyrone or Carol about what Lizzie did so i should probably do that soon. Hopefully we can find somewhere to set up base and then i can tell them, as i heard a crunch of leaves i stopped everyone, pressing a finger to my lips to make them stay silent i removed my knife rather then using my gun and walking further into the woods where i heard the noise.

Raising the knife so it was chest height i crouched down slightly so i wouldn't be in adults line of sight unless they were short. As i heard the crunching of leaves yet again but this time much closer i ducked behind a tree making sure my breathing wasn't too loud, peaking out i let out a breath of relief when i saw a walker instead of a living person that could hurt the others. Running up behind the corpse i lodged the blade into it's skull ignoring the off coloured blood that splattered onto my cheek. The walker fell to the ground now dead for good, wiping the dirtied blade on the body and sheathing it once again i walked back to the others, they looked behind me to see if i took care of whatever it was. "it was just a walker, no biggie. Let's keep moving" i advised.

Nodding they trudged onwards though i noticed a rather sad yet angry feature on Lizzie when i told them, Mika slowed down slightly to walk in tow with me "hey (Y/N)?" she spoke up "hm?" i hummed "do you believe in heaven?" she asked. My eyes widened and i stopped dead, she noticed and looked back at me curiously, shaking my head i walked up to her "why do you ask?" i asked her "i just want to believe my mum and dad are in a better place" she shrugged looking down to her fett sadly.

Smilling i patted her on her the head "it doesn't matter what i think about this Mika, do you believe they're in heaven?" i asked "well my mum used to say 'all things have a happy ending, if it's not happy then it's not yet the end' so i do think her and dad are in heaven" she grinned looking towards the sky. Mika turned her head towards me "do you think your parents are there?" she asked, narrowing my eyes as i thought i cocked my head to the side "i don't know...i'm not exactly sure it exists i mean, i never thought about it before. But i'd like to think they are along with my little brother" i sighed. Mika nodded running towards Carol but sparing a glance back at me, she did a double take staring behind me in horror.

The young girl lifted a shaky finger and pointed, a hand rested itself on my shoulder fingernails sunk unto my clothing but didn't scratch my skin. Mika let out a shriek alerting the rest of the group, grabbing the hand i used my other arm to slam down on whoever grabbed me's arm causing them to let go. Turning around i saw a the assailant, eyes clouded over with hunger and death skin melting off of the man's face. Fast decay. A walker. With the walkers hand still in my i lifted my lef and delivered a hard blow to his ribs, the walkers fell over from impact.

I heard a snap and realized though the walker hard fell it's hand was still in mine but it's arm...well it wasn't attached to him. Gagging i threw the arm as far away as possible, slamming my foot down in it's chest to make sure he didn't lurch up and take a bite out of me i removed my knife and lifted it over my head prepared to stab him in the head "NO!" i heard someone yell before my arm was grabbed. I looked back "wha- Lizzie! Let go!" i ordered trying to pull my arm from her grip "no! Don't kill him!" she cried "he's not alive anymore Lizzie!" i reasoned "yes he is!". Growling with one harsh tug i pulled my arm from hrer grip.

Clasing my hand on her shoulder and pushing her closer to the walker who was still forced to lay down under my weight so he wouldn't get her. Opened and closed his jaws as the girl was forced closer "does he look alive to you?! They're dead Lizzie! Not different! They don't know anything other then to eat! Flesh! You! Lizzie, he wants to eat you...he's not a friend" letting go of her after my lecture she stumbled back glaring at me through her tears and ran over to Carol immediately wrapping her arms around the woman's waist and sobbing into her stomach.

Thrusting my knife into the walkers head he went limp, kicking myself off him i huffed angrily "let's go, before more dead come" i put emphasis on the word dead just for Lizzie and stormed off in front of the group making sure they could catch up. I fear if Lizzie pulls another stunt like that, someone will die, and i'm hoping that someone isn't one of us.

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