Chapter 62: This can't be happening

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Carl and i quietly snuck into the 'library' not really wanting to be seen at the book reading for little ones, or at least he didn't but i really didn't mind. Grabbing my hand he tugged me behind a book shelf "Miss, Carol may i be excused?" Patrick asked wiping some sweat from his forehead "why?" she asked "because i'm not feeling too well" he replied clutching his stomach "well when you're out there fighting walkers and you don't feel well you can't just get up and leave you're going to need to fight through it" she shrugged turning back to the book in her hands "i-i know but, i just don't want to hack on someone" he replied, Mika who was at his feet shuffled to the side slightly. Carol nodded pointing to the door, Patrick thanked her and stood up, Carl forced me to duck down more so he wouldn't see us as he walked passed.

Carol went back to reading when her 'partner' stood "i'm gonna leave this to you okay?" he asked, she just nodded with a smile and continued reading but stopped when the man walked off. Closing yhe book and setting it aside she pulled a box out from underneath her seat "okay today we're going to be learning about knives" my eyes widened and i looked to Carl who seemed just as shocked as i was "we're going to be learning on how to hold a knif-" Carol stopped when Carl and i stood from behind the bookshelves "please don't tell your father" she begged Carl. He only shook his head and walked off, Carol then looked to me with pleading eyes, i sighed "i'll see what i can do" i mumbled earning a breath of relief from the elder woman.

I ran out of the library just in time to see Carl about to walk into our cell block "Carl wait!" i called, the boy stopped and turned to me "what?" he asked obviously tired. Taking his hand i held it to my face placing a brief kiss to his knuckles "sure i don't think teaching such small kids about dangerous stuff like that is a good idea but it's not a bad one either, when they don't have anyone there to protect them and their only resort is to fight they would need to know how right?" i asked, he sighed and nodded (OMG guys i wrote she instead of he and i was like: Oh, he's no longer Carl he's...Carlota! XD or maybe Caroline?) "i think you should tell Rick though, but not now...wait a little longer alright ? He's go enough on his hands as it is" Carl agreed to my plan and pecked me on the cheek before walking into the cell block, clearly more relaxed them before.

Carol looked grateful when no one came to tell her off but i was less worried about that as i was about Patrick, apparently he just went to his room to sleep rather then going to Hershel to get a check up. Though i wanted to see if he was okay i wouldn't want to wake him, and since it was already nighttime i decided to go  to bed instead. I closed my cell doors like i always do since i never felt safe without it i fell onto my bed and started drifting to sleep.


 As the sun broke through the small window leading to the outside, i woke, rubbing the sleep from my eyes i got out of bed. Walking down to the bathroom i began to brush my teeth in the water.

After finishing my morning routine i began to walk out of the bathroom when my bare foot stepped in something relatively warm. Furrowing my brows in confusion i looked down and lifted my foot, my eyes widened as i recognized the familiar substance. Blood. In fact there was a trail leading from the door to the shower or the other way round, sucking in a breath i ran outside successfully not slipping. Throwing on my shoes quickly i dashed towards the garden where i knew i'd find Rick. I screamed said man's name, he turned to me as well as Carl did, worried "what is it?" he asked, panting slightly i gulped "i found a pool of blood on the bathroom, there was so much i doubt whoever made that mess is no longer alive...i think we've been infiltrate-" i didn't get to finish my sentence as gunshots could be heard from inside the building.

Rick dropped everything ordering Carl to go over to the gate and let Michonne in while i went with Rick, he did as told albeit hesitantly. Removing my gun from it's holster we ran towards our cell block but finding it safe we moved onto cell block D, Daryl was already in there along with Glenn and Hershell. I raised me gun prepared to shoot, suddenly arms grabbed me from the side. Screaming loudly i tried to move and shoot the walker that held onto me but found it impossible, turning my head to the side and leaning back as much as i could the walker opened it's jaws prepared to sink it's teeth into my flesh when cold blood splattered on my face and the walker fell to the ground.

Panting i turned to Glenn who had shot the walker and thanked him, he only nodded and continued searching the area for more walkers.

After shooting wha appeared to be the last one i took a step forward without looking and my foot landed on something squishy, jumping back quickly i noticed it was a walker but a dead one. Kneeling i squinted to try and recognize who it was with all the blood on it's face. But i really wish i hadn't. "P-Patrick" i whispered, Hershel kneeled next to me "he appears to be patient zero" he mumbled to himself "Rick! I believe we have an outbreak on our hands".

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