chapter 12: our promise

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

A soft knocking on my door awoke me from my slumber, I groaned and got up to answer the door "yes?" I asked. Glenn was standing there "hey, Rick asked me to come get you and Carl. It's dinner time" he said "thanks, i'll get Carl" I smiled as I shut the door, but before I could Glenn stopped it with his foot "and Lori wanted me to give you these" he said as he handed me a black leather jacket, with a pair of blue skinny jeans, and a beige tank top, finished off with a pair of combat boots. I took them from him "thank you" I said softly he smiled and left. I closed the door behind me and walked into the bathroom to change.

Once I was finished I walked over to Carl and shook him "Carl wake up....dinner's ready" I whispered, he stirred and opened his eyes slowly " minute" he groaned as he started getting up "i'll see you there" I said as I walked out.

~after dinner because the author is too lazy to wright what happened~

So we just finished dinner and everyone went there own ways to do whatever it is they do. I saw a couple of people from the group walk out of the room, I smiled to them as they walked past. I was about to walk past the room they just exited when I heard yelling from it, I noticed the door was locked so I got a bobby pin that I randomly had in my pocket and stated to pick the lock slowly so the people inside wouldn't realize I unlocked it. After I unlocked the door I opened it a crack to see Shane standing in front of Lori, but Lori was panicking and trying to get him away, I sae Shane's hand move towards Lori' between her legs and Lori tried her absolute best to get him away. I gasped quietly and rage overtook my body, I pushed the door "don't touch her!"I yelled as I yanked Shane away and stood in front of Lori protectively. Shane looked at me wide eyes "(Y/N)! what are you doing here?" he asked trying to act innocent "don't pull that act with me Shane! Don't you dare! What the hell were you doing?! You've decided rape was the only way you could win Lori?! IF I CATCH YOU NEAR HER AGAIN I WON'T HESITATE TO PLANT A BULLET RIGHT BETWEEN YOUR EYES!!!" I yelled at him reaching for my gun in it's holster to show that I was serious "I thought you trusted me (Y/N)" Shane said defensively "after everything you've put us through after Rick came back I knew I couldn't trust you, I'm surprised you haven't killed him yet" I spat at him, Shane gasped "that's right I saw you that day in the woods when you pointed a gun at Rick's head...stay away from us you... you monster!" I yelled at him. He walked away or more like stormed off, and I turned to look at Lori "are you ok?" I asked, she nodded her head weakly "please don't tell Rick (Y/N)...don't tell anyone...I'm begging you" she started crying slightly "but he tried to rape yo-" "what's going on in here, we heard yelling" Rick cut me off as he came in with the rest of the group...minus Shane, I took a glance at Lori "it was nothing..i thought I saw  ghost is know there a zombies walking around I'm not surprised if it's ghosts next" I lied smoothly and Lori took a breath of relief "well I'm going to bed, night everyone" I said is I walked to my room and taking one last look at Lori.

I laid back on my bed with a sigh "I can't believe Shane did that" I said to myself "did what?" I head a voice ask, I jumped and snapped my head to look at the owner of the voice... I calmed down when I saw it was just Carl "what is it with you and sneaking up on me...let alone coming into my room all the time" I said placing a hand over my heart as if it would slow the rapidly beating organ. Carl came and sat next to me "so what did Shane do?" he asked I was about to tell him when Lori's face popped into my head "he...laughed at me when I told him I was afraid of ghosts" I lied once again, Carl began laughing "really, you're afraid of ghosts?" he asked trying so hard to stop laughing, I pouted and hit him playfully "shut up!" I yelled at him. I sighed and laid back on my bed once again "you sigh a lot you know" he said, I sighed once again "I know" I mumbled " wanna do something?" Carl asked me "nah...I'm tired" I said turning on my side to face him, he laid down and faced me. Something came over me and I started to stroke the side of his face "after everything that has happened to all of manage to stay strong all of the time" I whispered "I'm truly envious" I admitted. Carl seemed shocked "why? You've been keeping everyone I check...if anything I'm envious of you" he told me, I giggled and he chuckled "I suppose...we should be strong together" I said as I closed my eyes and smiled "yeah...." he said as I could feel his gaze burning into my face.

I opened my eyes a couple if minutes later to find him still staring at me "what?" I asked giggling slightly "I just didn't notice how pretty you are (Y/N)" he complimented me, I looked at him in shock "really? you think I'm pretty?" I asked "yeah" he confirmed smiling at me "well, I think you're handsome" I giggled as he blushed slightly. He took the hand that was stroking his face in his hands "(Y/N)...promise me you'll never leave" he asked, I looked at him shocked but smiled at him in the end "I promise...but you have to promise me too" I said,  he nodded and held his pinky out "I promise" and we locked pinkies....this was the day our promise was made...and hopefully would be kept.

~Together~ (Carl Grimes x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now