Chapter 92: Noah

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 So guys have you seen the latest walking dead episode? Carl has a love interest, well i can assure you she will not take our Carl away from us, so! On with the story

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

We stood on the porch of the church as the bus, holding Rosita, Eugene, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham and Tara (i'm pretty sure Tara went too right?). They waved out the window as the bus took off and left the church disappearing down the road, with a sigh we all stepped back inside the church "okay so Noah, where is Beth?" i asked getting right down to business "well there's this hospital which has been taken over my cops, a few of us live there and the head cop her name's Dawn Lerner, she doesn't let anyone leave" he sighed switching weight from  one leg too another "most of the cops there are corrupted, rapists, murderers like that. Beth is in there and that woman Carol is too" he finished.

I took a deep breath running and hand through my hair "how many cops can you approoximate?" Rick asked "arouns...10 maybe more?" Noah shrugged. Noah seemed too be in pain with the leg he was resting his weight on "hey Noah, why don't you take a seat?" i asked, he seemed surprised that i had noticed "oh, thanks" he limped over to a pew and sat down letting out a sigh of relief.

The crowd dispersed as Rick tried to devise a plan, Carl and i walked over to Noah to ask him some questions " many walkers have you killed?" i asked "too many to count" he sighed "and how many people?" he seemed shocked at the questioned by answered anyway "none" "why?" i finished "i never had too, no one has asked me too and no living person has attacked me" he replied.

I patted the man on the shoulder "you seem like a good person Noah, that's rare these days" taking Carl's hand we stood once more heading over to a pew we could occupy on our own. "You ok?" Carl asked i nodded "i'm just glad to hear Beth's alive" i replied. Carl rubbed my back soothingly, i rested my head against his shoulder "are you two a couple?" Noah's asked from the other side of the church "yeah, for a few years now" Carl replied.

Noah laughed "nice to find love when the world is as it is" he sighed, Carl nodded with a smile pecking the top of my head. I sighed stretching my arms above my head causing my shirt too rise and my bandages to come into view "woah, that must have been a nasty accident" Noah commented, i laughed rubbing the cotton "yeah, something like that" i replied.

I stood "i'm going to head to our room okay i need to check my wounds" i informed Carl who nodded, walking over to Gabriel's office i opened the door, shut and locked it behind me. Lifting off my shirt i stepped in front of the full body mirror and began to peel away the bandages, my wounds had healed completely! The deeper wounds left scars but those showed signs that they would heal as well soon enough.

Throwing my shirt back on i called Carl in and lifting my shirt t reveal my stomach "look! My wounds healed" i cheered "woah, woah, woah" he said holding his hands up in a stopping motion "what is it?" i asked "don't tell me you're developing abs faster then i am?" he asked pointing to my stomach. I looked down and sure enough there they were the faint outline (it's a zombie apocolypse you'll be exercising like everyday just trying to live, you'd have muscles).

He lifted his own shirt and he had his own outlines, slightly more prominent then mine since he's a guy and does a little mre exercise then i do, lifting heavy things etc. "it took me ages too get these! could you start soo quickly?" he asked. We lowered our shirts and i laughed at his obviously jokingly angered face "oh you think this is funny?" he asked taking a step closer and i immediately knew what he was going to do. I held up a hand "no, don't you dare Carl" i said.

He ran forward throwing me over his shoulder and lowering me onto the matress, his hands wandered over my sides and i burst out laughing, he was tickling me (did you think it was something else? XD don't be dirty minded people's XP). I kicked at him gently making sure not to hurt him as he continued to tickle me, "Carl!" i squealed, he laughed and stopped so i could regain my breath. 

Collapsing down onto the bed next to me we continued to laugh, soon lacing our fingers together "hey Carl..." "hm?" he hummed looking over to me "i have a bad feeling" this caught his attention "about what?" he asked turning on his side and resting his head on his hand "i don't know but i feel like something bad's going to happen, i just know" i sighed rubbing my forehead.

He brushed my hair from my face "well try not to focus on it so much, okay? You always stress over things so much you'll get wrinkles furrowing your brows all the time" he pressed his thumb to my forehead in between my eyebrows. I sighed shuffling closer too him and curling up, Carl slinging his arm over my waist "it's okay (Y/N), it's all going to be okay".

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