Chapter 61: A Little messed up

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Hey guys short note before it starts, i'm going to be speeding things up a little bit, otherwise a lot of the chapters are gonna be really boring. Feel free to leave in the comments whetherz you think it's a good idea or not.

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

The newcomers have been assigned a clear cell block not only because our was too small for all of them but because we still didn't trust them all that well yet. I lugged the basket full of vegetables i was holding into the building waving to Patrick who blushed and looked to his feet shyly waving back, chuckling i continued walking on until i reached one of the hilding cells which we use to prepare food. Placing the bucket of vegetables on the table i dusted my muddy hands off and prepared to walk back into my cell block when i was stopped once again by Patrick.

Smiling i wiped the rest of the mud on a spare rag "what's up?" i asked "u-um i was just wondering...are you and Carl a thing?" he asked "i didn't quite catch what he said when he introduced you guys" he shrugged sheepishly "oh, yeah we're an item why?" i asked tilting my head to the lside. He looked down sadly "it's nothing, just forget it" he sighed walking away, staring after him in confusion i shook my head and walked back straight to Carl "hey Carl!" i called to him, "hm?" he hummed "is everything okay with Patrick?" i asked "yeah, why?" "it's just he asked me a question and he seemed pretty down when i gave him the answer" i admitted "what did he ask?" Carl questioned "he asked whether you and i were dating, when i told him we were he seemed really sad".

Carl laughed slightly and took my hands tugging me towards him "you can be really oblivious you know that?" he asked "what? Why?" i pouted "because he likes you" "i would hope so i wouldn't want him to hate me", Carl rolled his eyes "i mean, he likes you in a romantic way" my jaw dropped "oh" i replied scratching the back of my neck "and you're okay with that?" i asked him, since normally he would be so jealous "well i'm a little disturbed by it but Patrick's my friend and i know he won't do anything that's why he asked you first" he shrugged. Sighing i pecked the male on the cheek before pulling away from him "i need to go help Hershel, he's teaching me how to become a medic" i cheered running off.


After my training session with Hershel i decided to wander outside to check on the gates which had been giving ever since the Governor had come that day, what caught my attention was the youngerb kids standing by the inner fence hollering at the walkers "Nick! Over here Nick" 'Nick?' i wondered to myself, walking over i noticed it was a certain walker with a nametag "what are you doing?" i asked startling them "we were just-" "are you naming them?" i cut Lizzie off "he's dead you know" "no he's not he's just different" she retorted clearly angry "have you seen one of them kill?" i asked "yes i have" "then you'd know, people who are 'just different' don't rip the flesh off of other people" i exclaimed "how would you know?!" she yelled Mika trying to calm her down "i know because they killed my mother and baby brother okay? I know because i watched my mother tears the skin off of my brother!" i yelled.

She pursed her lips before grabbing Mika's hand "let's go" she huffed storming off, the younger kids following. Mika pulled away and ran up to Patrick and Carl who were standing just behind me who had watched the argument go down "ae you coming to the book reading?" she asked the older boy happily "u-uh, sure" with that she ran towards me "i'm sorry about Lizzie, she's a little messed up" with that she ran towards the cell block "a little?" i muttered making the other two laugh "anyway you go to the book readings?" i asked Patrick, who turned a little red and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "it reminds me of the world before all of this" he shrugged, nodding i giggled slightly "oh yeah and Carl apparently Rick wants us to go too" i sighed "really?" he groaned walking towards me and resting his head on my shoulder.

Patrick looked away with a sullen look on his face "yeah now come on, i need to give my two favourite boys a hug" i said trying to cheer the glasses wearing male up. Wrapping my arms tightly around Carl i moved onto Patrick, opening my arms wide and wiggling my fingers he rolled his eyes and hugged me. Pulling away i laughed "okay, i should really get going. And Patrick maybe you should skip out on the book reading you look a little pale" i commented before waving and wandering off.

'I do hope he is just pale and nothing else...'

~Together~ (Carl Grimes x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now