chapter 42: No one's coming?

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*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

Fear struck me in the heart as the door to my freedom opened and in stepped the devil himself aka the Governor. I scowled at him through my tears as he locked the door behind him "now, now don't be so feisty" he chuckled "what the hell do you want" i hissed "you said you'd do what i want" he shrugged "actually i said i'd stay with you not that i'd do what you want" i corrected. He shrugged "don't make much difference to me" he admitted. I shifted as best i could to get comfortable but it's hard wehn you're strapped by the limbs .

The governor watched me with amusement trying to get as comfy as possible he stepped closer and rested his hand on my ankle. I stopped dead and gave him the scariest glare i could offer "don't touch me" i hissed. He laughed and pat my leg and started walking around the room "any parents?" he asked, i sighed "dead" i replied "siblings?" "dead" i answered honestly 'cause why not?. The governor stopped behind me and i just managed to see him in my perhiperal (sp?) vision, he stared at me "well that's rather tragic" he commented "..." i stayed silent "what about a boyfriend...or girlfriend?" he asked, at the thought of Carl i blushed slightly despite the situation he laughed "i see..." he mumbled "what's their name?" he asked "why do you want to know?" i asked getting all defensive "i won't harm them i promise" he said walking in front of them with him hands up in mock surrender "his name is Carl that's all i'm telling you" i said with turning my nose up at him as a sign for him to go away.

The governor stared at me with an unidentified emotion swirling in his eyes "you are quite the little model aren't you?" he asked with a smirk "how are you so beautiful for just a child?" he asked "uh...mum and dad were good in bed?" i said but it was more a question. The governor walked closer his face now expressionless i stared with slight fear as he stood in front of me eyes grazing over my body. Lifting his hand up he gently brushed my cheek with his knuckle, i turned my head to get away from his hands but he just grabbed my face painfully "you will do as i say!" he yelled "you made a honour to your daughter!" i yelled back. He hesitated but grinned "but she's not here~" he cooed letting my face go and reaching to unbutton my blouse, i trashed to the best of my ability the tears that had dried up now flowing out at full force once again "get off!" i yelled as he started to crawl onto the chair and hovered over me. The governor leant down and i did the only thing i could think of at the time, i spit in his face. He jumped back with a yelp wiping the saliva away and scowled "you'll pay for that b*tch!" he snived, taking my shirt in his hands he ripped it from my body and dumped it on the floor moving to do that with my jeans.

I sat there shivering as my clothes had been discarded onto the floor and there was nothing i could do about it "there you wil sit there in shame and humiliated" he spat walking out the door and slamming it behind him. I heard the familiar click of the lock. I growled and screamed thrashing about tears rlling incontrolably down my face.


I couldn't tell how long i've been in here, i would assume a couple of days but i wouldn't know...there are no windows and no one tells me anything. The governor walked in and now i just expected it "you're friends are gone and yet you are still here" he taunted "i'm not worried, i know they'll come for me" i answered monotonely "don't you get it?! They are not coming for you!" he yelled. He did this everytime he came in here and now i was actually starting to believe it Glenn and Maggie are gone and i'm still here but at least i'm glad they're safe now.. I closed my eyes while he was having one of his little fits "are you done?" i asked "...yes" he said as he walked out locking the door behind him. I laid my head back on the chair and sighed, i had stopped crying a while ago the Governor kept trying to touch me but got interrupted every single time which i was glad for.

My fath in my friends and even in Carl was thinnning and i know it was wrong but i started to believe that they'd never come for me like the Governor said. There were multiple yells outside but i assumed it was the guards fighting again so i sat there unfazed, the door banged multiple times like someone was trying to break it down. The door fell to the floor and there stood a very familiar person "...Rick?" i asked, he looked me over in anger but i could tell it wasn't directed at me "who did this to you?" he asked walking over and trying to get the straps undone "the Governor" i answered. Taking hs knife from his belt i flinched at the sight of it from the memory of the multiple 'puishments' i have gotten he noticed and stared in pity cutting the leather straped he gripped my arm gently and helped me off the chair.

The days of torture left me weak so i fell forward, Rcik caught me just before i hit the ground and picked me up bridal style "come on...let's go home" he whispered ' sounds nice' i thought before closing my eyes and letting myself drift off.

I opened my eyes and noticed i was in a car we had just stopped outside the prison and i saw a worried Carl handling the gates. I smiled and couldn't wait to hold him again, Rick opened the door and helped me out. Carl gasped as he saw me, multiple bruises and scrathes and in nothing but my underwear i coud tell he was planning to kill someone in the most gruesome way possible "hey" i said with a hoarse voice. Carl ran over and wrapped his arms around my waist lifitng my feet from th ground her span around. I wrapped my arms around his neck to provent myself from falling "i'm so sorry, we were late...i'm sorry" he whispered over and over again "i waited...i knew you would come" i replied. I had a lot to get over but for now i was just happy being in the arms of the one i love.

~Together~ (Carl Grimes x Reader) *UNDER EDIT*Where stories live. Discover now