chapter 33: Home...?

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First off thank you everyone for your kind and supportive comments, i feel so much better now thanks to you guys, you are my internet family have a virtual hug! |(^.^)/  XD again thank you so much and thank your not only reading but staying with this story!

*(Y/N)'s P.O.V*

More weeks had passed and to be honest i was just about ready to give up on everything, possibly even life! Carl and i have been arguing alot, everyone had been arguing and frankly it's been getting on my last nerve! I listened as Lori and Rick argued about what really happened with Shane, my brow twitched in anger and my teeth grinded against each other, i could feel Carl's eyes burning into the back of my head adn that ticked me off even more 'sure his 'proposal' a couple of weeks ago was really sweet and touching and for the first week and a half i was really happy but- after that he just started getting mad at me for no reason. Oh! Carl and i just turned 13 by the way how exciting right? Wrong! The first thing i got from him on my birthday was a scowl and a "why can't you just leave me alone?" really? Isn't puberty supposed to affect girls this way, why is he the moody one? Shouldn't it be me?' i thought in my head. I sighed and balled my fists as Lori and Rick decided to raise the volume. I slammed my hands down on the picnic table we set camp around catching the attention fo thue whole group but the couple still went at each other "stop" i whined at them but they didn't.

I sighed in annoyance and stood on the table "let's just hope no walkers get attracted by this..." i muttered "SHUT UP!!!!" i yelled, the couple stopped "me and Carl are the teenagers yet you're the ones acting immature! Stop fighting, i said this at our first camp together and i'll say it again 'we fight the dead not the living' we are not enemies so cut it out Please! you are supposed to love each other unconditionally! Why are you fighting, are you not enough fro each other..." i trailed off now looking at Carl "am i...not good enough?" i asked, shaking my head i looked back at them "you guys are the closest things i have to parents, i don't want to lose you guys too okay? Please, stop once we find a safe place yell at each other all you like but as long as it's secure and i can't hear you" i sighed getting off the table and sitting back down in the chair. I hear someone plop down next to me but my head was down and my hand mere knitted into my hair in frustration "why did you ask me that?" the person asked "i wasn't asking you Carl" i lied "you ooked at me and i could tell the question was directed at me" he argued, i sighed "why?" i asked looking at him "why what?" he asked back "why do you act as though you hate me?" i asked "i do no-" "yes you do, remember my birthday?" i cut him off, he looked down at his lao slightly guilty.

Carl sighed and looked back up at me "i know, i'm really sorry it's just...something this guy who was turning said before he asked me to shoot him..." he trailed off, when i noticed the sullen look on his face all anger inside me up and fled, i sighed and smiled softly resting one of my hands on his cheek making him look at me "what was it?" i asked "he said...that everyone you love will die and if the one you love most doesn't, they're going to kill you or change forever" he muttered "what? who would say that?" i asked "some old guy" he replied "if that old guy wasn't dead i swear i'd kill him" i hissed, Carl chuckled "but he is dead" his happy mood changed back into a miserable one "i don't want you to change, and if you kill me you'd be all alone!" he yelled slapping my hands away and using his own hands to rest on my cheeks, my eyes widened " god..." i trailed off "what?" he asked removing his hands just to take my own hands into his "do you know what you just said?" i asked "yeah...wait no...?" he asked, i laughed a little at his air-headedness "you just said that i'm the person you love most" i said "yeah" he shrugged.

Because my hands weren't free i couldn't facepalm so i (not so gently) slammed my head down onto the table "(Y/N)!" he yelled letting my hands go to pick up my face "oww" i moaned, and winced "it doesn't look like there's going to be a bruise" he said examining my red forhead "why did i do that?" i asked myself, he chuckled "anyway, me that much, wait- you love me at all?" i asked "well of course, i don't just like you. I argue with you alot and that on your birthday i just wanted to dstance myself from you because i was afraid that you'ld change or so you wouldn't feel to lonely when i died" he explained. I slapped the back of his head (Leroy Jethro Gibbs style XD)"what was that for?!" he asked rubbing the abused spot "you idiot!" i hissed "i-i...would feel lonely if you died whether or not we spent alot of time together because...iloveyoumosttoo" i said "w-wait, could you say the last part again, slower this time?" i asked, i sighed and my cheeks twinged red "i said..i love you most...too" he laughed "so cute..." he muttered under his breath but i heard it "hey! i am not cute!" i argued, he sighed and grabbed my hand then dragged me towards Rick and Lori who were 'making up' which could also mean 'making out' Carl cleared his throat and the two turned their attebntion to us "yeah?" Rick asked "so (Y/N) and i have been talking, and i said she was cute but she said she wasn't, what do you think?" he asked them, they laughed "we think she's adorable" Lori said leaning over to pinch my cheek "but, what happened to your head?" she asked "nothing!" i said quickly dragging Carl back over to the picnic table.

I sighed "ok, i get it" i said, he shook his head "we're not done yet" he said dragging me towards Beth, Daryl and Carol "guys, (Y/N) think she isn't cute but i think she is, you?" he asked "oh, shes really cute, like a little sister" Beth said with an innocent grin, Daryl chuckled "like a lil' chipmunk" he said cleaning his arrows , Carol laughed as well "she's very cute, and a definite keeper Carl" she said, i blushed then he dragged me towards Glenn and Maggie "(Y/N) says she not cute but i disagree, what do you think?" he asked "she's like the daughter we never had. Of course she's extremely cute" Maggie and Glenn said at the same time, i waved goodbye to them as he dragged me to T-dog "do you think (Y/N) is cute?" he asked "what kind'a cute?" T-dog asked "baby cute" Carl explained "oh! Yeah, cute like a kitten" he laughed at my embarassed face, Carl thanked him and then finally took me back to the picnic table "you get it now?" he asked "yeah, yeah" i said sitting down on the bench him straddling the bench-like seat next to me "your really cute, don't let anyone say otherwise" he kissed the ttip of my nose and of course the whole group had to be watching so they errupted into a cloud of 'awwes' i sighed and blushed, but laughed.

~Couple hourse later~

We were on the road again, this time we were walking in the forest. And i was next to Carl who's hand wasn intertwined with mine. And we walked passed a clearing and everyone's eyes were ahead of us but i decided to look to my right just because and there it was, the huge building. I stopped dead which made Carl stop "u-uh...guys, i think i may have found our new camp" i mumbled "what?" Rcik said walking over, i lifted my hand up and shakily pointed t the grey building. Well inmates the new warden's in town.

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