Chapter 21

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A familiar crimson colouring covers Connor's cheeks as I ask him what's happening between him and Elliot, and he buries his face in his arms, leaning on the restaurant's benchtop.

"You're so nosy!" he whines.

I am not.

"C'mon Connor! You two are pretty cute togeth-"

"Who's pretty cute?" Grace walks out from the kitchen. Connor groans and buries his head again as his face turns a deeper shade of red. Grace then starts to say something in italian to him, and the teasing tone she uses is probably the culprit of Connor telling her to- and I quote-, 'piss off'.

Grace retaliates by hurling a whole lot of what sounds like curse words in italian at him, before turns to me. "Ollie?"

I shrug. "I won't tell."

"Urgh!" she growls. "Connor, you need to get some better friends. They're too good at keeping secrets!"

I chuckle. That's Grace for you. Just then, Georgia walks in. "There you are!" she exclaims, glaring at me.

"Why? Am I in trouble?"

"Yes!" she huffs. "I just went to your house to find you, 'cause my mum is making me buy new clothes for Ebony's barbeque, and she wanted to come, which is a bad thing, by the way, so I thought I could escape with you. And apparently you haven't told your poor father anything about it! It's tomorrow, Ollie!"

I shrug again, at Georgia this time instead of Grace. "It just... slipped my mind."

"Ollie! You said you'd be coming."

"Did you tell my dad?"

"Yes. Now come on. I need your help to buy something at the shops that will satisfy my mother, but not be ugly as hell. Those Kmart shoes she bought me last time were horrid!"

I roll my eyes and share an amused look with Connor. "And you say I'm nosy," I mumble, earning a laugh from him.

* * *

Georgia and I arrive at her house to pick up her younger siblings just as shouting sounds from inside. Her mother wouldn't let her go to the shops without her unless she dropped them at their neighbour's house to be supervised whilst Georgia's mum went to work briefly for something.

In a split second, both Georgia and I are running out of the car and into the house to find the source of the noise.

"Darren!" Georgia calls, and we head into their living room to find all three boys wrestling on the couch. Georgia breathes a sigh of relief.

"Jeez, I thought they were being kidnapped or something," I tell her. 

Georgia chuckles. "Nah, they would've been screaming like girls if that were the case."

At this, Jamie, Ethan and Darren untangle themselves from each other and glare at Georgia. They get up and the youngest one, Jamie, sticks his tongue out.

"We don't sceam like girls, Dorge," he says, and I smile at his adorable voice. How Georgia remains serious when her 5 year old brother speaks like that, I dunno.

Georgia smirks. "Darren does. Remember the water slide, Dazza? You went all the way up to the top and chickene-"

"I did not!" Darren argues.

"Did to!" Ethan and Jamie chorus, though I'm pretty sure Jamie only said it because that's what Ethan said.

Georgia sighs. "Come on guys, I'm taking you to Mrs Callaghan's place."

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