Author's Note

844 18 13

Hey, guys.

YES! I GOT IT FINISHED! I WROTE A BOOK *Does a Georgia and jumps up and down on bed whilst screaming like a fangirl* EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

So, I shouldn't be doing this- I am suchhhhh a procrastinator lol- but I had to just say something:

Thank you.

I know, I know, you guys deserve more. But my fingers are hurting, so here's the acknowledgements.

To my gran, my aunt and my great-aunt. You guys all understood my need to write, and you embraced that. You didn't pressure me, and you let me do my thing, and write my way. You were there to listen to my unfinished drafts, and especially my poetry, and you got that some stuff can be personal to me, even when other people didn't.

To my mates at school- yes, I do have a life other than Wattpad, and yes, I have besties (sorry, Wattpad). Okay, so most of you guys haven't read my book (yes, I'm holding a grudge against you until you do) but you taught me how not to get too caught up in my writing. You yelled in my ear when I was typing during little lunch and big lunch, and told me to do my homework instead (GOOOOOOOOO NERDDDDDDSSSSSSSS- NERDS ARE THE BEST, CHUCK OUT THE REST!). But seriously, thanks. I think you guys just knew I could do it, and that's all I needed.

To my parents.

So yeah, I didn't think I would acknowledge you guys, but I should. But first, I'm just going to put it out there.

You guys suck at being observant parents.

BUT, but, when I went through my darkest moments these past months, despite the fact you were completely oblivious to my problems, you reminded me why I shouldn't give up. Why I love my life, and everyone in it.

(And no, Dad, I'm not sorry for going on strike because you weren't interested in my 'nerdy stories' and you wouldn't let me have peanut m&ms. I will always stand for my confectionary)

Okay, and lastly, EVERYONE ON WATTPAD. And I hope this is the biggest paragraph out of them all.

You've heard it a thousand times, you're gonna hear it again. THANK YOU! You guys were so understanding, and not even once did you ever pressure me into writing, or beg for updates. I thought that if people loved my books, they'd nag me for updates and I'd rush my writing, but I didn't. You guys are like, the best. I think that if I wasn't on Wattpad, if I didn't have your support when I needed it, I wouldn't have been able to fight the darkness. It was YOU who told me to not give up. EVER. My folks might've shown me that, but YOU made it happen. If it weren't for you, I'd be distancing myself, I'd lose myself in all that negativity and I would've, for sure, drowned. I legit love you all and I hope we'll share our writing journeys to come in the future.

(And also, I'm trusting none of ya are cat-fishing me cuz that would be really disappointing. I hope that you're not all 60 year old homeless dudes who like stalking people.)

And I know I said last before, but FINALLY, one more thing.

Just, you know. Don't die from Covid. Even if you are a 60 year old homeless dude.

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