Chapter 17

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This is a pretty close version to how I picture Gus! Except with slightly lighter hair and blue eyes.

Hope you like this chapter!


It took a good 10 minutes for us to find a park, with help from the traffic directors. We end up in a space right in front of one of the 3 practice arenas, which gives us easier access than those on the other side of the grounds. Kayla leads Polly out, with Georgia and Aladdin next to her, and after Maya and the others have gotten the rest of the horses out, I'm left to take Bess, just because we don't want to risk her harming Georgia when I've spent more time training her.

Elliot and Gus arrive not long after; Elliot's face red from embarrassment or anger about something- what, I'm not sure, but Gus' smirk gives away who caused it. That boy really likes to irritate people.

Although, his smile is wiped clean off when he spots me holding Bessy.

"What are you doing?" he asks, almost in a panic, but I refuse to realise why.

"What does it look like, Gus? I'm taking Bess to her pen."

"I don't trust her not to act up. I'm coming with you."

"Bess is fine," I tell him, scratching her ears, but then she flinches and glances up, alerted, as if to contradict my statement.

Gus raises his eyebrows just as Maya speaks up. "He's right, Ollie. You shouldn't be alone with her whilst she's adapting to the new environment."


Who's side is she on?

I sigh. "Fine. Let's go." I start at a fast pace and Gus jogs to catch up to me.

"What's got you in a mood?" he asks.

"I'm not in a mood."

"Right." His voice is laced with sarcasm. "So you riding today? I mean, if Bess is ready for it?"

"Two things. One: I don't see Bess being alright with being ridden today anytime soon; two: If anyone's going to ride her, it would be Georgia."

"I know there's another reason stopping you. Your dad said you used to ride. What happened that made you stop?" He looks at me curiously, but behind the vibrant, warm blue of his eyes, I see concern.

I grit my teeth. Can't he just give up already? "Nothing."

"Well, I know that's a lie," Gus opens the pen reserved for Bess and I lead her in. "I've seen you with the horses. Everyone has. You may not admit it, but you obviously love it. You must miss riding."

"So what if I do? And I don't, by the way."

I do. I really, really do.

"Something bad happened to you, and now you don't want to ride. From your scars-"

"Mind your own business," I growl, and push past him to leave the pen. I quickly latch up the chain, and turn around to make my escape. Surprisingly, I'm able to walk faster than normal without my legs hurting.

I cover all of about 5 metres before Gus catches up with me. I guess I'm not as fast as I thought.

"Wait!" Gus says. "You're right, it's none of my business."


"But I do think you should ride again. If you're so good with horses on the ground, imagine the magic you could work on their backs."

"I don't 'work magic'."

"That's not the point," he huffs. "What's holding you back? You've got nothing to lose, Olivia."

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