*BONUS CHAPTER* Gus' POV of Chapter 19- Past Reveal Scene

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Hey guys. I know, I went a bit overboard on the last chapter, but here you are. Gus' POV of Chapter 19. You excited? I am.

Except... I haven't really written in a boy's POV before- not because I have anything against it, but as you've probably realised, I'm a girl. So, I dunno whether it's different or not, how they think, but I'll try. I've read a heap of books with boys' POVs, so that might help.

Also, if you don't know what the Mardi Gras is, it's like a celebration festival for the LQBTQ+ community, and it's held here in Australia.


I lean against the back of my 1957 Holden FE ute- my precious- with the guys from school surrounding me, chugging on beers and laughing about who knows what. Georgia's with her best friend, Zoe, who doesn't ride, and I wonder why Ollie isn't with her. Instead she's just sitting in a chair, looking like she's lost in thought.

Ollie. Olivia. I don't know what's going on with us. If there even is an 'us'. She seemed to make it pretty clear there wasn't before the kiss, and now...

Well, now I wouldn't be surprised if she stomped over here and smashed my car's windshield. Not that I'd let her. No one touches my ute.

I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped on her. That, I will- begrudgingly- admit, was wrong. But Olivia's hurting. She won't confess it and won't let anyone even think about helping her, but she is. And those scars on her leg.

I swear, if someone hurt her, they should watch out.

But then, she doesn't act like she's been hurt by someone, especially when I know that horse is involved. And surely, if the horse had hurt her, she wouldn't be feeling so guilty about whatever happened?

And she left my place before I could take her home. What was the issue with that?

Elliot stumbles over to me. He smells slightly of beer, but I can trust him not to get drunk. "Bro, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna ask Connor out."

I turn to face him, a grin lighting up my face. "Really? Good on you."

His forehead crinkles into a frown. "You know what? Maybe I shouldn't. Remember what Ma said when that Mardi Gras thing was on the tv last year? Man, imagine her reaction when I tell her I'm into guys. And I don't even want to think about Dad."

I look him the eye. "You're kidding, right? Elliot, you have to go for it. Otherwise you never will. And when we went to Connor's restaurant the other week, he went red as a tomato. I think he likes you more than you know."

Elliot sighs. "You're right. I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it," he says to himself, as if to chant encouragement. Then he focuses back on me. "But. BUT, I'm only gonna do it if you go and talk to Ollie, and you know, kiss and make up."

My eyes widen. "Tell me you haven't talked to h-" I start, scared of what he'd say to poor Ollie about me being all- and I quote- 'sad and miserable' ever since our little argument. I haven't been like that, by the way. Ollie would also probably kill me for telling him everything. But he's my brother.

He chuckles. "Chill out, mate. I haven't said anything to her. Yet. But that's the deal."


Elliot walks away triumphantly, then turns back to face me. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go smooch-smooch." He does kissing faces, and I roll my eyes.

I go to walk towards Olivia, but my phone rings in my back pocket. In pull it out and answer the call. It's Ebony, unfortunately. I'm actually surprised she isn't here tonight.

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