*BONUS CHAPTER* Georgia's POV of Chapter 22/Chapter 23- Ebony's Party Scene

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Maya walks up to me, all giddy with excitement. My best guess, she's got the results from the show. She looks so much different when she's not in jodhpurs or jeans. Tonight, she's in a pretty floral dress that goes just below her knees. 

"Georgia!" she calls out to me, despite the fact I'm no less than 3 metres away. I quickly tell my brothers, Ethan, Darren and Jamie to stop arguing about whether the Avengers are better than the DC heroes, but not before saying that DC definitely wins against Marvel.

"Hey, Maya," I say.

"You got 2nd in your Combined Training!" she says. "I can't believe it. There were some pretty professional people in that competition. And you got 2nd!"

Hang on. I did not expect that. "I did?"

"Yes, though I don't know why you're so surprised. You rode beautifully, and so did Aladdin. You should be so proud."

I am. I love being able to see all my hard work on Aladdin pay off. But no matter how much I love him as a horse, I hate that he's not mine. He'll never be mine, either. My parents hardly allow me riding at all, and there's no way they'd even think about letting me have my own horse.

I know Maya's only taking him out to compete so that he can get the qualifications, and then Aladdin will be sold. To someone who's not me.

I lean forward and give Maya a hug. "Thanks, Maya. I am. Really. 2nd place is awesome."

Just then, Jamie points to Ollie hopping out of a ute on the driveway, with a man that must be her father. Finally.

She looks so different in shorts, and not in a bad way. It's as if overcoming such a tiny thing as wearing shorts instead of jeans and not hiding her scars has made her more confident, because she's standing taller, straighter. More sure of herself. And she should be. She helped almost everyone at the stables- she deserves to feel good about herself, too.

I run up to her, the boys not far behind me. They've been following me since Gus apparently started beating them at cricket, and wasn't sorry about it. 

Not surprising. 

"Hey! You made it."

"Yeah, eventually," she replies.

Then Ethan glances down at Ollie's, and what he does next makes me gasp.

"What happened to your leg?" And then he points at the burn scars that trail down Ollie's calf.

"Etha-" I hiss at him, hoping he gets the message.

"No, no, it's okay," Ollie murmurs quietly, making me turn to her in surprise. She leans down to Ethan's height. "Uh... well, I just hurt my leg in the past, but it doesn't change me, only what I look like," she explains to him. 

I'm not sure how much Ethan actually understood, but he nods and grabs Jamie and Darren, then tells me they're going to go beat Gus at cricket- probably their 10th take at it- and head off to the backyard where Elliot, Connor and Gus are playing.

Then Darren stops walking with the boys, and turns back to face Ollie's dad. He grins wickedly. Not a good sign. "Ollie says you're a son of a baba ganoush," he says.

A smile breaks out onto my face, and I laugh out loud. Trust Dazza to say that. I hope Ollie's father doesn't hold that against me, but I think I'm good, because he just looks really lost.

"Do I even want to know?" he asks, sighing.

"No!" Ollie cries out, her face a bright tomato-red. "I mean, it's just some inside joke. Not me going crazy or anything." she chuckles awkwardly whilst I look at her with raised eyebrows.

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