Chapter 15

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The rest of today went by pretty quickly after the morning's events. Maya thought it was best for Bess to have the rest of the day off, and she didn't seem surprised when I told her that there is no way Bess will be competing at the show this weekend.

I do, though, believe that Bessy can come to the show, if only for exposure. She needs to be able to get used to stuff at her own pace, and we were pushing her too fast. To us, it may have seemed like we were going super slow and calm, but even the slightest movement done wrong can change a horse's perspective. They are very sensitive creatures.

I get home in the afternoon to spot Mars just watching me as I head up the driveway. Normally, I go out to him early in the morning, before my father wakes up, but I can't help but feel drawn to go now. It's as if the red gelding's waiting for me. as if he knew I was coming. Every day after school, he used to wait at the edge of the paddock, right where the bus stop was, and I'd race him back towards the house. He always won, of course, but in those times, everything was perfect.

Instead of walking up to the front door, I make my way down the driveway and towards Mars' paddock. His eyes never move from mine, nor does he move from the centre of the yard, even as I climb through the fence.

He watches me with what looks like curiosity- no, that can't be it. But whatever it is, I get a strange feeling it isn't fear.


No, no, no.

I'm getting attached all over again. The best thing is to put Mars out of his poor misery, even I know that. He doesn't deserve to be tortured like this. Every time he sees me, I must bring back all the horrors we both are trying to run from. 

There's the other thing.

Every single time I go into Mars' paddock, it's like my instinct to be afraid is put on hold. It's not that I don't want to be scared, I can't.

The more I think about it, the less answers I have. I turn back around and climb back through the fence before heading towards the back door of the house.

As soon as the door closes I spot my father sitting at the kitchen bench, watching me with wide eyes. He glances over to the window towards Mars and back to me.

"You... you just-"


"Are you riding again? I can't believe it!" he exclaims. 

I groan. "Dad, I'm not riding again. I've just been seeing him every few days."

"Every few? Ollie, I've heard the back door open just about every night! I knew something was going on. This is great, you know. I think you could actually one day-"

"Dad, he hates me," I interrupt, and my dad blinks as if he wasn't sure what I just said.


"Mars. He hates me. I put him through hell, and he never takes his eyes off me when I'm in the paddock because he's afraid."

"Olive," my father sighs softly. "That horse could never hate you. I remember, when you used to ride him, there would be this feeling that came over everything, this force. That horse loves you more than any other being could."

I can't deal with this. 

This false hope, this clinging onto some unrealistic solution is what kept me from doing the right thing the first time. It's what kept me from helping Mars, what kept me from doing the humane. I can't make that mistake again.

I might deserve to live with the consequences of my actions, but Mars did nothing. He shouldn't have to suffer for what I did.

I glare at Dad, then I stomp straight down the hallway and into my room.

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