Chapter 13

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Connor blushes at my invitation, then looks down and continues wiping down the table, hiding his crimson face.

"Come on! You said your sister loves horses, and you have the day off!" I insist.

"Ollie, I dunno. I don't want Elliot to find out. You know, about me."

"He won't! Please? I need someone as an excuse to not put up with Gus, too."

"I don't know about that."


"I saw how he looked at you the other day."

"God, not you, too! Georgia already thinks something's going on, but I can't stand him!" I tell him, but even I'm not entirely sure how true the last part is.

He sighs. "Tell you what. I'll see what Grace thinks, alright?"

I nod, satisfied. I met Grace briefly the other day- when she had to fill in with serving some of the tables. She's twelve, and very unpredictable. One moment, she was being super nice and friendly to me, the next she was yelling something that sounded outrageously rude to her brother, though she said it in italian, so I'm not sure.

Grace was anything but graceful, that much was certain. The truth is, Grace's sudden interest in horses is my only excuse for Connor to come to the horse show we're supposedly taking Bess to, if only to expose her. Connor is way too shy to make a move with Elliot himself, so I'm helping him.

Just then, Connor's mother, whom I now know as Maria, shouts something from the kitchen in italian. Connor glances at her and sighs.

"Listen, I'm really sorry, but my mum's going nuts. She thinks I'm too charming for my own good, and that I'm holding you hostage," he says, grinning.

"Does she know you're..." I trail off. I'm not sure what status Connor thinks of himself as, and I don't want to make him uncomfortable.

"Gay? Yeah. She's great with that stuff. It's who I like that I'm worried she won't approve of."

"I don't think she'll take Gus' foolishness out on Elliot. And I don't doubt that she knows you aren't trouble."

"The weird thing is, I dunno what he even did," he says, then throws the cleaning cloth playfully at me. "You should probably go, though. Haven't you got that thing with Bess?"

I've told Connor all about Bess already, and I nod. "Yeah. See ya," I answer, grabbing my phone and walking towards the door. I stop before I leave, and say one more thing, "Don't forget the show!" I add, before leaving.

I walk quickly to the bus stop, but a voice behind me causes me to turn around.

"Didn't expect to see you here." Elliot walks up from behind me.

"I could say the same for you."

"Yeah, I just... Uh, I was just getting..." he stutters, holding up a DVD.

I peer at it. "Back To The Future? Oh my god, you're a total 80s geek, aren't you?"

"Should I take that as a compliment, or..." He raises one eyebrow.

"My dad loves that kinda stuff. The Karate Kid, Breakfast Club."

"I actually don't like The Breakfast Club. I'm more of a sci-fi."

"So Star Wars, then?" I don't know the series very well, but I know they started back then.

"Best. Movies. Ever," he answers, grinning at me. "Hey, do you need a ride to the stables? I know your shift's about to start, and I'm heading there now."

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