Chapter 26

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So, short chapter today, sorry. Also I apologise if my updates are less often, it's just cuz I've started school, and well, no one likes pythagorean's theorem homework, right? But still, I do it... Urgh.

And, uh..., so I just wanted to say don't judge the second scene because I've actually never seen how someone is taught to jump because I taught myself... on a horse that pretty much bucked me off every time. I mean, at pony club I had instructions, but by then I was riding Sally, and she don't listen to nobody when we're jumping; she just zooms around the course and tries (on purposely!) to run into the stands on either side. Not to refuse, but she thinks it's fun to do that and right before, turn and jump the actual jump.

So, yeah. I hope that explains why scene 2 is a bit unprofessional. If you have tips, let me know in the comments!


I'm giving Gus the cold shoulder.

How dare he stop me from helping Caspian? And here I thought he cared. About horses. About Caspian. About me.

But if he thinks that I'll forgive him for holding me back, he can think again. 

I retell everything to Connor, whose expression is torn. He knows Gus better than I do- they were childhood friends. I continue wiping the dining tables. I let Connor put me to work for a while, because I may as well be doing something useful whilst I'm here.

"I'm sorry, Ollie. I don't know what to say. You may or may not believe me, but I remember when Gus and Elliot's cousin, Levi, came to the stables a few years back to do community service. He wasn't exactly a... good kid. And anyway, he was alright at first, but I was there one day with Elliot and Gus and we found him hitting a horse. I swear, Gus yelled some really bad words and full on tackled him," Connor chuckles at the memory. "I don't know what's going on, but it's not like Gus to do what you're telling me," he says.

"I know, and that's why I told you. But I can't just forgive him. I don't think I can ever forgive him."

"You make it sound like he's murdered someone, Ollie. But there has to be a reason. You have to believe that."

I sigh. "Yeah, I just don't know what."

Just then, Georgia walks in, setting off the doorbell, and marches straight up to me, her expression a mix of anger and irritance. "That jerk! I can't believe this all happened on my day off! Seriously, I thought he liked Caspian. And then he just lets the horse go? Unbelievable!'

I turn to face her, my brows raised. "How, exactly, do you know all this if you weren't there?"

"Elliot," she explains. "I don't think he's ever been as angry at Gus before as he is right now."

"Where's Gus?"

"Oh, he's still working, but we haven't talked to him all day. I mean, he should be the one to explain. Not us having to pry it out of him. Boys are stupid," she scoffs.

"Hey!" Connor says.

"Not you, mate. You're awesome." She ruffles his hair.

Connor grins. "I know I am."

I roll my eyes and throw the chux wipe, now covered in dirt and grease, at him. "C'mon Georgia, let's go for a ride," I say whilst Connor gives me a death glare.

"For real?" she looks excited.

"Yeah. I think it's time I got back in the saddle."

* * *

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