Chapter 28- EEEEEE! FINAL CHAPTER (maybe...)

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Tiny spoilers in the pics above ^^^

I just want to say that later on, when I describe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), that's Ollie's opinion. It does not in any way represent my opinion, and in no way does PTSD mean you can't cope with circumstances.

Also, Ollie's old house is no longer 4 hours away, it's 1 and a half. I've changed that now at the start.


I silently watch Gus mucking out a stable from afar. He hasn't noticed me staring, fortunately.

Anyone who doesn't know Gus wouldn't see anything wrong, because he looks fairly healthy, but I know Gus, and he's not doing so well by the looks of it.

His hair is more out of place than usual, and has lost its familiar shine. There are circles under his eyes; not super evident, but they're there. He's obviously been beating himself up over what happened with Caspian.

I know Gus isn't just in my bad books- both Elliot and Georgia are holding a grudge, too. I can't help the belated feeling of guilt that washes over me. I somehow knew it was coming, but I didn't want to give in, to realise that maybe I'm being a tiny bit too harsh.

I shake my head and walk past him, into Doug's office.

"You asked for me?" I ask him.

"Yes," Duggie stands up from behind his desk and gestures for me to enter. "Ollie, I understand this has been a tough summer for you," he says as we both take a seat.

"Did Georgia or Elliot tell you?"

"No, I surprisingly heard it all from your father. He willingly came by yesterday and told me a bit about your background. I want to be aware, in case your PTSD affects your health."

"PTSD?" I haven't heard that term in a long time. It's a term I hate. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It only labels that I suffer. Not that I will push through it or heal from the trauma. It just tells people that they have to walk on eggshells around me and I'm not strong enough to cope.

"That is what you have, right? That's what your father said you'd been diagnosed with."

I nod.

"Good. I hope you'll come to me if anything's up. Now," he claps his hands together and stands up abruptly, handing me a flyer. "This, is for you."

" 'Olive Bennett's Mind-to-Mind Horsemanship Clinics'? At Wilson Creek Stables?" I ask.

Oh my god. Gus wasn't kidding. Doug really does want me to run clinics at the stables.

"I've been talking with Maya, and Ebony's folks. They're all very impressed with how you've helped Bess, and given instructions to Kayla. Lauren says she's already getting better scores at shows since you've started coaching her."

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