Chapter 6

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So I felt like I owe you an update to explain last chapter.

So in case you didn't know, last chapter had a flashback. After Ollie went outside and entered the paddock with the horse (who we now know is called Mars because of his coat's colour), there was a flashback to when Ollie and her dad bought Mars.

Also, in the part in this chapter where Ollie is lunging, I'm sorry if it's hard to imagine how the lunge rope is attached to the horse's bridle. It's tricky to describe that stuff, so I've put a pic above.

Just filling in so it makes sense!


Kayla runs into the tack room, where I'm sorting out some of the saddle blankets. "Georgia says you're my new riding instructor."

"What?" I ask. I never signed up for this. Horses, I can deal with. But nine year old kids? I'm no good with kids. I mean, I'm an only child. What do I know?

"Not riding instructor," Georgia says, walking in after Kayla and glaring at her. "I need you to supervise her when she rides."


"Trust me, Olivia," Gus says. When did he get here? "If what Maya said about you handling Aladdin is true, then you'll be fine. Plus, Kayla's a sweetheart."

"Come on!" Kayla grabs my arm and pulls me away just as Gus starts laughing.

Kayla drags me to a stable with a small bay pony inside. She can't be more than thirteen hands. A white blaze flows down the front of her face. Her eyes are kind, and there's no doubt this gorgeous little mare is a child's pony. She's already saddled, and tied up inside the stall, waiting to have a bridle put on.

"Who's this?" I murmur, stroking the mare's face.

"Her name's Polly. She's the best pony in the world!" Kayla answers proudly. "And she's mine. My sister thinks I'm stupid for keeping her because I'm getting too tall for her, but I can't get another horse. Polly's my number one!"

I nod. I understand just how much certain horses can mean to people. But sometimes being with you isn't what's best for the horse. Not in my case, anyway.

I turn my thoughts back to Kayla and Polly. "Do you know how to bridle her?" I ask Kayla.

"Yeah, but I'm never allowed to without someone watching. That's why you're here!"

Kayla grabs the bridle, which is hanging on a nail outside the stall, and she bridles Polly. The sweet mare stands there patiently, even when Kayla has trouble with the bit. I open the stable door when she's done, and she leads Polly out of the stall and we walk to the indoor arena. I have to bite back a groan of irritation as I spot who the other rider walking her horse around the arena is.

"Kayla. You're late," Ebony barks as she walks her tall, black hack past us.

"Sorry, Ebony," Kayla mumbles, looking at the ground. She continues to lead Polly to the middle of the arena, and I give her a leg up. Only then does Ebony notice me.

"Oh, Olive, don't bother sticking around. I can look after my sister." I should've known. Both the girls have black hair, and what person would tell Kayla to sell her horse other than Ebony?

"But Georgia said she needs to watch me, not you!" Kayla cuts in.

I hear the creak of the gate to the arena open and turn to see Gus walking in. "She's finished all her chores, anyway," he says.

"I have?" I ask skeptically.

"I'll just say you're very lucky, Olivia, that I am kind enough to muck out your stables 'cause of that thing Maya's got planned for you this arvo," he tells me, loud enough that I can hear but the others can't.

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