Chapter 22

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Above is how I would picture Ebony's house, just with lights dangling everywhere. And the green area behind the pool would be where the BBQ would be set up, if you get what I mean. I wanted a house that was flashy, but not too mansion-y. Ebony also has a big backyard at the back of the house, and it's more like an estate.

I can't believe this classifies as a barbeque. Ebony's house is massive, with a sparkling pool in front and a huge deck with a dining area. It's all lit up in lights and looks fit for a visit from a celebrity. There's even an area that can be used as a performance stage. It's nuts.

Gus, Kayla, Grace, Elliot and Connor are all out in their big backyard playing cricket. Of course, Gus just has to be a star at sports too. Is there anything the boy can't do?

I don't think Ebony ever said Connor and Grace were invited, by Elliot brought them anyway. Though his parents are here, so I'm not sure how that will turn out.

Dad sighs beside me. "So this is where the dreaded Ebony lives."

I told him all about the barbeque, and Ebony, last night. "Yep. Wow."

"Could that house get any bigger?"


Just then, Georgia runs up, with all three of her brothers trailing behind her. Just like she promised, she's not in a dress, just plain shorts and a t-shirt, like me. I look behind her to see her mum throwing a fit.

"Hey! You made it," she says.

"Yeah. Eventually."

"What happened to your leg?" Ethan asks, pointing at my scarred leg. 

I don't know how, but I'd forgotten about it. I'm stunned by the question, and Georgia hisses a scold at him.

"No, no, it's okay," I tell Georgia. She glances at me, surprised.

I kneel down to reach Ethan's height. "Uh... well, I just hurt my leg in the past, but it doesn't change me, only what I look like," I explain. He probably doesn't make any sense of it, because I'm not used to talking to little kids, having no siblings myself, but Ethan nods, before grabbing his brothers and taking them to where Gus and the others are cricketing- or whatever you call it.

But suddenly Darren stops, and turns back to face my father. He grins wickedly. "Ollie says you're a son of a baba ganoush."

Oh, jeez, thanks Darren.

Georgia cracks a smile, and bursts out laughing. Dad just looks confused as hell, and I'm pretty certain my cheeks are flush from embarrassment.

"Do I even want to know?" Dad asks, sighing.

"No!" I say, not wanting anymore attention on the 'baba ganoush' scenario. "I mean, it's just some inside joke. Not me going crazy or anything." I chuckle awkwardly.

Georgia looks past me then, then turns back and winks at me. I can only guess. Gus stands behind us, and he looks a little stunned at my new appearance, though I don't think it's in a bad way. He strolls over and salutes my father. Typical.

"Angus Glynn, Sir."

Dad looks at me with wide eyes. I doubt anyone's ever called him 'Sir'. "I like this kid," he announces.

"He goes by Gus," I add.

"She goes by Olivia," he counters.

"Olivia, hmm?" Dad repeats.

"I do not! Dad, don't you dare start calling me that!"

"You sure it's not just 'cause you only like it when Gus calls you by that name?"

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