Chapter 10

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Just wanted to check in. In case anyone who isn't horsey is reading this, the sport Ollie and Lucy competed in in the flashback was team roping. It's a rodeo sport. Look it up if you want to know more!

Oh, and the reference to Geelong cats in this chapter, for non-australians, is a reference to an Australian Rules Football team. God, it sounds so weird calling it Australian Rules. Literally no one calls it that! We aussies just call it footy, but of course you guys would think we mean american football or soccer. I would call it AFL, but no one would know what that means.

Anyway, let me know what you think so far in the comments! See ya!


I wake up in an unknown room, and I rise up abruptly to survey my surroundings. I'm in a bedroom, that much is obvious. It's only plain; the walls are a navy blue, and the curtains are drawn across, dimming the bright yellow light of sunrise.

Wait, sunrise? What time is it? And where am I?

I pull the covers off me to find myself in a dark grey Geelong cats hoodie that goes to my knees pulled over the top of my clothing. Jeez, I really need to get out of here. What kind of footy supporter goes for the cats? Of all teams?

But, the hoodie is warm, and it smells familiarly like the outdoors and hay, so I begrudgingly leave it on and stand up. The pain in my leg is minor compared to what I'm used to, and for some reason there's a splint covering my hand. It's obviously swollen, but I'm yet to learn why.

I make my way around the bed, and towards the only door, which I assume must be the way out. Maybe I can sneak out, and I'm sure I can find my way home from wherever I am. I can use my phone's GPS. I reach to my jeans' pocket, but it's not there. Damn it! What was this person thinking, bringing me here and leaving me without my phone?

I try to think of who might've brought me back. The last thing I remember is the feeling of being pulled, and a flash of Mars running at me. But surely that can't be true. The only times Mars has charged towards me are in my dreams.

I can't remember seeing anyone. I shake my head, because it doesn't matter where I am, just that I need to get outta here. I turn the doorknob and push it open. Fortunately it doesn't creak.

The door opens to a short hallway, and I tiptoe down it, passing a few doors until it ends at a living room, and a kitchen to the side.  To the left of me, next to the kitchen, is another hallway that leads to a front door. I look around, checking that there isn't anyone in sight that I could be caught by, then I take small steps towards the hallway.

"You're awake," a voice heavy with relief breathes from behind me. I jump, startled, and almost stumble over my own two feet, but strong arms hold me up. "Woah, there," he chuckles.

It takes me half a second to realise who the owner of the voice is. I turn around, and, seeing that I'm steady, Gus drops his hands from my waist. He looks at me with uncertainty, as if he doesn't know what he's doing, for once.

"You mind giving me an explanation?" I prompt, raising my eyebrows. Out of all places, Gus' house was the last I would've thought I would be. I should be freaking out.

Or worse yet. Why am I not freaking out? I mean, I'm in a hot guy's home, but who cares what he looks like. 

This is just too weird.

He blinks. "Oh. Yeah. Let me make you some food first."

"Like I'll eat any sort of food you've made. I might get poisoned," I mumble, earning another chuckle from him, but I follow him into the kitchen, and he gestures for me to sit at the bench. I do.

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