Chapter 19

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Okay, so I want to say sorry, because I feel like last chapter was rushed. Lots of stuff happened. Gus and Ollie kissed (at last!), Ollie got angry at Gus, Gus and Georgia competed, both doing well, Ollie and Gus shared an all-too-awkward drive home, revealing a bit about Ollie's home town, and there was drama revolving around Ebony and friends. Phew, that's a heap of info. So, sorry about that, but I had to fit it into one chapter! I didn't want the show to be more than 3 chapters, because the drive there counts, too.

And finally, finally, finally! In this chapter, a lot gets revealed. and I mean, A LOT. I really hope you enjoy how I tie Ollie and Mars' past together. There's only 5-7 chapters left! I haven't exactly figured out how many chapters this book will have, but around 25. I'll probably bawl my eyes out at the end, too.

For those who have wanted to know, yes, I do have ideas for a second book in mind, but no, I can't guarantee one. Though, with the ending I've got in mind, a sequel would make sense. If I decide not to, I'll just add an epilogue.

I feel like I'm giving too much away, and I'm rambling (If that's possible through a laptop).

See ya!


I hold the glass of cordial in my hands and watch everyone dancing to the music. I can't believe I let Connor drag me to this.

Summer's almost over, and so, as a farewell to the school break, and to have one last night of fun before year 12 starts, some friend of Elliot and Connor is having a party in their backyard. Some of the teens are dancing, some are drunk and, well, being drunk, and some are stuffing their faces full of junk food. You know, the usual.

Georgia is over with one her school friends, Keeley, who seems nice enough. She has glasses, with long, straight black hair and dark brown skin, and she's very pretty. She has the same kind of flawlessness every teenage girl dreams of. She's also, from what I've heard from her, the nerdiest bookworm I've ever met. I've never been terrific at school, just average. I didn't plan on doing anything for a career that wasn't revolving around horses, but I guess that won't be happening now, especially after Mars.

I've seen Gus around, too. He was hanging around with his mates before, who were all crowded around- apparently Gus' pride and joy- a bright red, newly painted, 1950s holden ute. I have to say, it's in great condition. I've never thought of Gus as a car guy. Elliot says he's been obsessed with them since he was a toddler, sharing the hobbie with his grandfather, and after he died, Gus started building and restoring cars in his memory.

I haven't talked to him, though. I don't know what I'd say. It'd probably go something like, 'Hey Gus, uh...', so I'm not keen on doing that anytime soon. Especially when he's with his cool, popular friends.

I get up and head over to behind the house-owner's shed, towards the toilets, but stop when I see 2 figures kissing in the entrance of the shed. I freeze, and my eyes adjust to the darkness.


That isn't just 2 figures. It's Connor and Elliot! Oh my god! I gasp. I knew they would end up together. I'm not normally one who thinks about romantic setups, but it was pretty obvious once I witnessed how much they both liked each other.

Somehow, one of them hears my gasp, and they pull apart. 

"Ollie?" Connor asks. "Oh, um, we were just-"

"Making out in some guy's shed? Yeah, I saw." I cross my arms and feign hostility. Elliot and Connor go pale, and I break out into a huge grin.

"I can't believe you guys actually thought I'd be angry! How on earth could I react like that when you 2 are so damn cute?"

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