Chapter 23

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"Oh my goodness, I am so sorry."

To most, Ebony's apology sounds genuine and empathetic, but for Georgia and I, who both saw past her innocent facade, we can see that it definitely wasn't an accident.

Georgia's whole front is soaked in sticky lemonade cordial, and I don't think she could be more humiliated than she is now. She has tears in her eyes, and it's not because of her ruined clothes. I know how much Georgia wants to prove her parents wrong by setting a good example and pleasing the stable owners. This is the opposite of setting a good example, and I doubt it'll help her win over her parents and show them her riding is legit.

Georgia looks up at me, then everyone else, who has stopped. Maya's trying to find a towel, but the rest of us are staring in shock. I don't know how many of us know that Ebony did it deliberately, but I know she did. For sure. She's doing a terrible job of hiding her smile now, too.

Georgia goes to say something, but stops herself, before turning and running away from the barbeque. I don't know where she's going, but her obvious embarrassment sets me of.

I march straight up to Ebony, and grab an opened, but still full soft drink can. I have no idea whose it is, but too bad, because I'm using it. She waits, watching what I'm about to do.

I hold the can up silently, then reach up and pour the whole drink all over her head.

Take that, Ebony.

I lean in close to her. "You are quite possibly the meanest girl I've ever come across, Ebony. Some might not see past your mask of being nice, but I sure do. You hurt Georgia like that again, and you'll regret it," I hiss, not even caring about everyone around me. I hold up the can for her to see. "And this? This was for being a troll." 

I throw the can down at her feet and stomp away.

* * *

I find Georgia huddling in her parents' car. To be honest, the fact that her parents haven't tried to find her and see if she's okay gives me everything I need to know about them.

She's sitting in the back, so I climb in next to her and wrap my arm around her. Tears stream down her cheeks, and she sniffs before wiping them away roughly.

"You okay?" I ask carefully.

She looks at me. "No. Everything I do, my parents see it as something wrong. Everytime I try to make them proud, they're just even more disappointed that I'm not focusing on 'the more important stuff'. And finally, finally when I do something that not only impresses Maya and Mr and Mrs Reeves, but it also has the possibility to prove my parents wrong, Ebony has to take it and turn it into something awful."

I don't what to say to that. She's right, and sure, I could hug her and tell her it'll be alright, but I know that won't just fix everything.

So instead I say, "You know, I've always had a parent that supports me no matter what. I've always had a father that I could go home to after the rodeo and he'd tell me how proud he was of me. But you know what I never, ever had?"

I look over at her, and she looks up but says nothing. "Georgia, I've never had a whole community behind my back. I've never had a stable full of friends and trainers I could count on. Sure, I had one best friend, but you have a team that you can rely on. Elliot, Gus, Kayla, Maya- they all love you. Your parents may not support you, but they do. And so do I. And you are never, ever to give up trying to show them that you can do this. Because we all know you can. And if Ebony wants to ruin it, then that says worse about her, and better about you. Don't let her jealousy tear you down."

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