Chapter 3: Thoughts

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Coming back to base, she was able to reach up to her friends. Jacob and Tristan were, of course, the same age as her, they were both fourteen. Jacob was her height, his hair was a little shorter than before and of course he was still the sheepish little boy. Tristan didn't really change much either, he only grew. But as the years had passed by these three friends were all they had.

"Tristan! Jacob!"

They were both trying to fix Jacob's X-wing, actually Jacob was fixing it since Tristan didnt really know how to fix a lot of things. But he was good at cracking codes and disabling the most complicated kinds of technology. You could say they were actually a lot smarter than her since she always skipped school as a child. But that was all in the past, plus she stopped going to school when she was 13.

"Hey Alix, what's up?" Jacob said.

"Nothin' much, I've just been training a lot and I've never been more sore in my entire life."

"I'm sure that since you've been training a lot you would be used to it by now," Tristan said.

"Yeah, well lately I haven't been able to keep my mind straight since..."

Both boys knew what she was going to say, but they didn't want to say the word in front of her.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure you'll find him," Jacob encouraged. "Plus when you do find him, I'm sure he'll be really happy to see you again."

"Thanks for the enthusiasm but the only is that...I don't remember what he looks like and I'm not even sure if he'll recognize me. I mean look at me."

"Nothings really changed about you, except for the fact that you are ten times prettier," Tristan teased.

She scoffed, "How dare you."

Jacob and Tristan bursted out laughing, but their laughing ceased when Alix fell over, after a rock hit her in the back of her head. She turned over and of course you can make the most obvious guess as to who threw it.

"Oh great," she groaned. "What now Hunter?"

Hunter and his gang of friends were, of course, still bullying them as before.

"Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you right to your face that your daddy isn't coming back home." The other kids behind him laughed.

"How would you know? You don't know her dad," Jacob chimed in.

"Why don't you zip it, prissy boy."

"Why don't you go throw yourself off a cliff cunt."

"Oooo. Someone finally decides to say something for once, I should give you an award for being so brave since all you knew how to do was hide behind your Jedi freak."

Alix remembered how scared Tristan and Jacob were of Hunter when they were only six and how they used to hide behind her for defense, but as the years had passed they finally had the balls to talk back and stand their ground. She always missed how they would want her to fight for them because they knew that she wasn't afraid of Hunter, but now she felt completely useless.

"She's not a freak. If you had her powers you would understand how hard it is for her to be what she is today," Tristan added.

"Still, she's a freak and always will be."

"Go fuck yourself Hunter," she said. Also their parents allowed them to swear now, so yippee.

"I will once you show me how to do it," he smirked.

Tristan gagged and Alix felt repulsed, Jacob on the other hand charged at him but Alix quickly stopped him before a fight broke out.

"Jacob, this isn't your fight."

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