Chapter 11: First Fight

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The rain water had soaked most of her body so it was kind of hard to run away when you've got extra weight on your shoulders, literally. Another blast came flying down and this time she went flying through the air, but thank god she didn't land by the edge otherwise she would've been stabbed right through her chest. 

The shuttle landed a few feet from where she had landed, she took off running again and this time crossed a bridge that shockingly and questioningly had no railings, she  had to be careful though if she slipped and fell it would be the end of her. She wasn't sure if crossing the bridge was even the safest idea. She turned around to see a group of troopers exiting the shuttle and then from the back of them stood Ren. 

"God doesn't he ever give up!?" She thought to herself. Obviously he heard that because he looked in her direction and started to advance on her when just two seconds after a blast came from out of the blue and half of the stormtroopers went flying in the air and others started firing towards the sky.

Alix peered to see where the blast had come from and just flying above her head was the Falcon. She felt relief wash over her body but that didn't mean it was going to stop Ren from finishing a fight. Anger and hate only fueled the adrenaline of darkness that was inside of him.

"Call in the air craft I want those rebel ships taken out now!" He ordered.

"Right away sir." He looked right back at Alix but for some reason he lifted his mask from his head and dropped it to the ground. Alix knew that he wasn't going without a fight, well then, so be it. She stood her ground and ignited her saber and tossed her jacket to the ground, she knew that this jacket was the most precious thing to her so it was better to have it to the side than have saber holes in it. 

His footsteps hitting the wet ground were clouded by the hard rain that was falling around them, he stopped when he was only a few feet from her and just by looking into her eyes he could see that she was willing to fight someone who would possibly kill her in just ten seconds. 

"It's not too late," he said. "I can show you the ways of the force. Teach you things you didn't even know you could do."

"And you use that against innocent people and kill millions of lives so I can once again be your hostage," she said.

"You have greater power than you can only imagine, if you would just let go then you could finally be able to see your true potential."

She shook her head, "You don't know who I am. Only I do, I know who I am."

"And so do I. I've known you longer than any other person in the entire galaxy."

"I don't care, but what matters to me right now is stopping you from killing thousands more," she took her fighting position and waited for his advance. He got the hint.

"So be it, Jedi." He ignited his saber in one grab and they both held their stance not sure who was going to advance first. It only a few seconds for Alix to realize that she would be the one advancing. So she charged. He blocked her attack and pushed her backwards causing her to fall onto the bridge but with a swift leap she got back on her feet. 

Fighters started falling out from the sky and headed toward the rebel ships, now it was a battle. Who would imagine that everyone would all be here again fighting once more for good or evil. Just up above blaster fire went off everywhere. Fighters dodging one another about three TIE's had been taken down and only X-wing was destroyed. 

"Dad you've got two right behind you," Jacob said. "Hang on. I'm coming." Jacob dove just behind the fighters trying to get a good aim without hitting Poe. One of the TIEs fired and hit one side of Poe's ship almost knocking him over even BB-8 was startled.

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