Chapter 11: Long Have I Waited

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She finally entered Malachor's atmosphere and the place was pretty terrifying, thousands of First Order starships lined the skies and it was night when she first got there. Her heart was beating really fast and this time she actually believed that her heart would explode and tear through her chest. The scary thing about this place was that when you looked down there was a large crater on the surface and there were these tall statures.

When she landed on the ground she felt this tiny little voice in her head telling her to go back and forget all about this, but she ignored it, she wasn't going to leave the entire galaxy in suffering. She built up her courage and knew that she would have to face this all on her own. Before she got out from the shuttle, she took off her jacket vest and stared at it, she put it to the side knowing that it needed to be safe. She took off her arm straps as well, she felt naked but she only had her white tank top and grey pants and boots.

She grabbed her satchel with the two holocrons and placed the memory crystal in the Jedi holocron. She hopped out from the TIE a fighter and ambled into the temple. The only problem was that there wasn't a temple anywhere, it was just desolate ground. She approached one of the statures and saw writing on it but she couldn't make out any of the words.

The stone was written in old tongue, something she never studied. However she made the mistake of touching the stature, it glowed bright red with her hand print on it and the ground beneath became unstable and broke making her fall almost twenty feet from the ground above. Once again she had landed on her butt, but luckily she didn't get killed from the fall.

Traveling through space to get to Malachor was a lot easier than when the Resistance had to travel all the way to Exegol. At least they didn't have to travel through acid force fields and all they had to do was jump through light speed to get there.

"Not much of a bumpy ride this time," Poe said.

"Did you want it to be a bumpy ride?" Jacob asked. He couldn't fly his X-wing along in the fight so he was going to lead air team in a cruiser along with Finn. Somehow the Sith fleet wasn't only hiding on Exegol but also on Malachor. This time this battle would be bigger than the one from thousands of years ago.

"General we have Resistance ships incoming."

"Use the ion cannons," she said.

They made it out from light speed and took one good look from down below.

"What is that?" Finn asked. Everyone could see the giant crater on the ground and it didn't look too good.  As soon as they had entered the atmosphere cannon fire was already being aimed at them. It was unexpected at first but from then on they did their best to avoid any of their blast.

"Welcome to Malachor," Jacob said. "We need to get to the command ship, that's where the nav signal is."

Alix trekked through the pathway, all around she noticed something eerie and familiar about this place. All around there were these statues in weird positions, or at least she thought they were statues. She walked around until she stepped on something that was kicked under her feet, she picked up the relic and realized that it was a lightsaber but it wasn't a very good one because it wouldn't ignite. The weapon dropped from her hands and she walked on, she went towards a pathway that was leading her to a temple.

Finding the main command ship was a bit too hard, since every single First Order ship looked exactly the same you couldn't really tell which ship was the main ship. Although it wasn't too hard for Jacob to find it.

"Right there," he pointed at one ship that was above the others. "The signal is coming from up there. They were hiding from us."

"How do you know?" Finn asked.

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