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(n.) flirtatious talk that leads nowhere

Majority of the boys and I gathered under the tower; hiding beneath crates, metal sheets, anything that would protect us from the rocks and other debris that was stored on top of the tower. I stood with Winston, he held one of the crate lids above us, shielding our heads from any damage. Every time the girl through a rock down we all flinched and ducked as though that would do anything. A huge grin graced my face. This was terribly funny.

The sound of the boys protests against the girl throwing things filled the Glade, along with the girl yelling back every so often, "Leave me alone!" A laugh escaped my lips as I heard the pathetic attempts of the boys trying to persuade her to stop and come down.

They can be such shanks.

"Watch your heads!" I say high spiritedly as my face began to hurt from smiling so much, a small giggle left my lips as I made eye contact with Newt who was beside me but not under the crate. He had his hands up in the air, protecting his face, though his expression matched mine, "Better keep your face pretty..." I joked while looking from him and to the girl above him.

"Yeah?" He laughed, "You keep yours pretty too." He jokes back while looking up at the girl.

"Hey!" Gally directs to the girl while pointing his finger up at her, after just getting hit in the shoulder by a rock, "If you throw one more of those things-" He got cut off buy a rock hitting him directly on the head, causing him to cradle his head for cover.

"We come in peace!" I heard Frypan yell out which caused me to burst out in laughter, another rock came flying down and it landed on Newts arm. That caused me to reach out and pull him under the protection of the crate with Winston and I, I looked up at him as I spoke.

"I told you to keep yourself pretty..." I say in a rasp of a whisper, though he only smiled down at me when our attention was directed back to the girl when she yelled out, 'Go away!'

I looked to my side and noticed that Thomas had made his way over, "What happened?" He said while putting his hands above his head.

"I don't think she likes us very much..." Newt laughed as he tried to inform Thomas.

"You think?" I question sarcastically.

"Hey! Look, we just want to talk!" Thomas tries to plead with her, though for a moment she stopped and then rock after rock came flying down at us.

"I'm warning you!" The girl yelled as more and more debris came flying down. The girl didn't seem like that much of a threat, she was just scared. Like we all were when we came up in the box, we all just had different ways of expressing it. Thomas and I both ran, Winston didn't eat for a good while - that's how I became friends with the boy, I helped him get more comfortable with us - Chuck klunked his pants and this girl, she, she woke and decided to do this.

"OH! Take cover, Ya'll." Frypan yelled as the sound of the rocks bouncing off wood got more frequent, "Take cover." The crowd of boys had an uproar of protest as more of them were getting hit, though one's voice was more prominent. Thomas.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's Thomas," He yelled, thinking that would help, and unsurprisingly it did, since it was his name that she said when she was in the box, "It's Thomas." After the words left his lips, the rocks and other debris stopped coming and we all removed our wooden crates and metal sheets to see the girls head pop out from the floor beneath her, Thomas gave her a small wave before he spoke, "Lo- Look I'm going to come up alright?" The girl seemed to sit back as we could tell from our perspective, giving Thomas the 'Ok', "Okay, Just me..." He said a lot softer, causing Gally to give him a weird look but ignore it.

Thomas began to walk up to the tower and begin climbing the ladder, by now Minho and Chuck had joined us and we all looked up there, waiting for something to happen. I looked down and saw that Winston still had the lid in his hands, so I gently took it off him and dropped it on the ground, "She's not going to hurt us now..." I smile up at him and I get a soft smile in return, then we divert our attention to the top level of the tower.

"So, I'm guessing this is what all girls are like?" Frypan jokes causing me to whip around with a half-offended look, half grin on my face.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I question, looking up to the boy, my head slightly tilted.

"Nothing, nothing." Fry shook his head while putting his hands up in defence, I gently pushed his shoulder causing him to step back.

"I think girls are awesome..." Chuck said while shading his eyes, looking up at the two on the tower.

"Why thank you chuck, I think you're pretty awesome too." I smile.

Newt leans over and rests his head on my shoulder as he speaks, "You're very awesome." He whispers in my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I could hear the smirk in his voice causing me to turn my head to look at him. I couldn't help but smile at the boy.

"What's going on up there?" Gally calls up to Thomas, causing Newt and I both to look up there, both covering the top of our eyes from the glare.

"Is she coming down?" Newt asks as his hands make their way onto his hips.

It took a moment for Thomas to answer, "Uhm," he seemed to be looking from us to the girl and back to us, "Hey listen, you guys just give us a second, alright?" he calls back down.

"Alright," Newt says as he gestures for all of us to begin walking away, "Come on, we've got work." And with that we all left the two together and went to our jobs.

A/N: *Singing* AnOthErrrRr FiLLeRrrrr ChAPteRRR... I have no excuse; this chapter just sucks and its really short coming off a quite long one... I'm sorry I haven't updated in what seems like forever, but I will try and get my updates ready to be put up :) 

Words: 1108

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