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(n.) naive innocence


Present day...

I woke up to the oddly familiar scent of the room where the med jacks kept their patients. My eyes opened to see a mostly lit room, the only light coming from through the gaps in between the sticks that made up the walls and roof. It was early morning, that's all I could tell.

That was such a shucking weird dream....

A soft groan escaped my lips as I began to sit up and look around the room. I was the only one in here... well that's what I thought until I saw someone begin to move next to me; causing me to jump slightly.

"Hey..." I murmur to the boy.

"Hey, Clumsy..." He says while adjusting himself on the chair and wiping his eyes. He must have fallen asleep, and was only now waking up, due to the deep and almost husky sound of his morning voice. "You're really living up to that name... Aren't you?"

I roll my eyes playfully and swing myself slowly around, so I am facing him. "I don't know what happened..."

"You fainted, like a proper shank." He grinned at me; eyes boring into mine.

"Did I?" I question, I can't really remember anything from last night.

"You did. Fell right into my arms." He said while looking down at the ground.

"Oh, you're also living up to Ch-" I begin but get cut off.

"Don't say anything about being charming." He stopped me. I clicked my tongue as I leant closer to the boy, then I reached out and grabbed his cheek softly.

"But you are so charming.... Charming." I giggle as I retract my hand, without warning Newt jumped forward and pushed me back down. While I was laying back down, Newt hovered above me; his hands on the bed, either side of my head, keeping him propped up.

My breathing became quick, but only slightly. I looked up into his eyes, his blue eyes are so beautiful. I could get lost in them.

We stayed there for what seemed like years, but it was only a few seconds, before he broke the silence. "You're so annoying." He smiled.

Oh no...

A weird feeling swirled in my stomach, something I had only felt a few times, and it always seemed to happen when I was with this boy.

"So are you..." I breathe while turning my head to the side, I couldn't look at him anymore, the feeling was getting stronger.

"You're more annoying." He counters while getting closer to my ear. "But that's what I like about you..." he whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickled the back of my neck and sent shivers down my spine.

I didn't know what to say to that and I didn't know what this feeling was. But it was getting stronger, it felt like a million butterflies were flying around in my stomach and they weren't leaving.

"I'm so annoying, but you somehow are still friends with me?" I question up to him, as he had gone back to hovering above me, however looking at him was a mistake, I instantly got lost in his eyes. They reminded me of the sky but not during the day. Dusk. When the sky goes that beautiful blue haze that covers the Glade.

"Yep." He grins, "That's what friends are meant to do." He said while standing back up straight, allowing me to sit up, "Annoy each other. Uhm, anyway, go get changed."

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