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(n.) fear of hurting someone

I stalked throughout the Glade; it had an almost dismal feeling to it. The place wasn't the happy, beautiful, peaceful place it was once only a few days ago. It was now covered in soot and smoke, burnt to a crisp in places that were accidentally set alight only the night before. Small tears welled in my eyes as I looked over my home, "What happened to home...." I whisper to myself while willing myself not to breakdown right there and then; I must be strong, show everyone that I can handle this, just like them.

I didn't know how to handle this; it was all so new. The glade was basically gone, set alight mere hours ago, along with the fact I now knew I had brother, why would these Creators of the Maze keep that from me? He just adds to the people I need to protect; I wasn't going to let him get hurt.

I made my way over to the gardens; I brought my hand up and wiped away the tears that were collected in my eyes. My gaze drifted over the grass, until they landed on a small hole. My face screwed up as I dropped to the ground, my hands ran through my hair until I finally just covered my eyes. Zarts gone, and he's never coming back. A lot of the boys are gone, my family is dying...

I stayed there for a few minutes, until I ended up pulling myself off the ground and I stood up; leaning on the garden bed in front of me. My eyes skimmed over the plants until I found what I was looking for, a small smile graced my face as I saw my strawberry patch. They seemed to survive, just a little soot had settled on it. I bent down and grabbed a small bottle of water, though it was only half filled - it must have been used against the fires- and poured it over the plant.

The sound of Gally's voice drew my attention over to the maze door, it was time. My eyes skimmed over the small crowd until my eyes landed on a head of messy, blonde hair. What I'd give to be standing with Newt at this moment, tell him that the plan will work. But I was banished from the front line by the boy, in the words of Newt: "You let your emotions take over, Love. We can't let that happen this time."

I watched as three of the boys brought my brother and Teresa over to the main gate to the maze, Thomas seemed to be unconscious, what did they do to him? The boys dropped Thomas on the ground, and I quickly straighten up, if only looks could kill. I looked away from the scene and over to Chuck who had all our supplies, he gave me a quick nod, signalling me to go over to him. I look up and see Winston, Fry and Jeff, trying to stop this, but I know they couldn't, there's no stopping Gally when he thinks he's right. Well, they couldn't stop him alone, that's where our plan will come in.

"You ready?" Chuck whispers to me as I stop beside him, I give him a small nod as both our eyes are trained on the group, waiting for the plan to come into action.

"Yeah," I whisper, "I'll get you out of here, Little, well, littler brother..." I smile down at him. I leant down to the ground, sitting down, and hugging my knees; a sigh escapes my lips, I know that in mere minutes I have to enter the maze. It terrified me. Chuck placed down the supplies, taking the hair ties off my wrist and beginning to part my hair - I let him - my attention was focused on what was happening in front of me. I watched as the boys I knew and grew up with tied Thomas and Teresa to two separate poles. A disgusted look came across my face, causing me to grab my bow and arrows off the ground, as Chuck quickly finished my hair, tying the ends of the two braids. Then we got the signal.

The boys jumped into action, pushing past the boys, and keeping them away with spears, "Come on, Chuckie..." I whispered as I got up, helping chuck pick up some supplies before we began to run towards the group. As I ran, I felt for my knifes, two strapped on my legs, one on my thigh and a machete hooked on my belt.

By the time Chuck and I got there, the boys had it under control, Gally wasn't pursuing them, but the Minho, Thomas and Newt all had their weapons pointed at them. Frypan slowly walked backwards and over to the small group that was opposing Gally. I made my way beside Newt, our arms softly brushed, letting one another know that we were there and alright. "You're full of surprises, aren't you?" Gally asked, mainly pointed at Thomas.

"You don't have to come with us, but we are leaving." Thomas spoke, his voice was trembling but strong. I made eye contact with Gally and gave him a sad look, he was my friend after all, and I knew he wasn't coming with us. "Anyone else who would like to come, now's your last chance."

Gally put his arm up, blocking a boy from walking, "Don't listen to him, his just trying to scare you-"

"No, I'm not trying to scare you, you're already scared. I'm scared." He paused looking over the boys, "I'd rather risk my life out there, than spending the rest of it in here. We don't belong here." He said as he gripped the spear, he was holding even tighter, "Okay? This place, it isn't our home. We were put here. Okay? We were trapped here. At least out there was a choice, we can make it out of here. I know that."

I swallowed hard as I watched the some of the boys walk towards our little group, "Come with us, Gally..." I say softly, as we make eye contact again.

He stared at me for a second before looking at Thomas, "Good luck against the Grievers..." and with that some of the boys took off, Newt softly brushed my arm again.

"Come on, Aves." He says while grabbing hold of my hand, though I continue staring at Gally.

"Goodbye, Gally." I say quietly.

"Goodbye, Bug."

I turned around and stared at the door, I would give anything to find another way out, but sometimes you have to be brave, sometimes you have to put your past behind you to get what you want now. And so, I did.

Together, Newt and I stepped into the maze and soon we fastened into a run, I was so scared I couldn't even feel my back screaming at me, I just pushed on through.

Words: 1162

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