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(adj.) lasting for a very short time


The room we were in felt really claustrophobic, around thirty kids were sitting, facing their screens: running tests and coding. Thomas sat beside me, he seemed to be coding some type of machine. It was half metal, half animal and it was covered in goo.

Teresa was in front of him, and from what I could gather, she was working on some type of medical thing. I think she was testing blood types. I was also working on a type of medicine... except I didn't really know what it was for, so I was kind of just sitting there.

In front of me was a new boy, well new to our area at least. He's been here for a few years actually but only in our lab for about 4 months. From what I could see, he was working on some mathematical problem. He's crazy smart.

I let's out an awkward cough as I leant forward a little, "Connor..." I whisper, grabbing the boy's attention.

"Avery..." he leans forward as a small smile formed on his face.

"Let's go for a walk... Shall we?" I smile while nodding towards the door.

"We shall." He says as he stands up and walks out of the door, I wait a few seconds before walking out, and once I'm fully out of the door, I felt someone grab my arm. Pulling me over to the side, I let out a small yip but then I realised it was Connor. The boy was only a year older than me, but he was still very much taller; causing me to look up into the boy's darks blue eyes. His blonde hair almost covered his eyes, and his skin was pale. "You wanted to go for a walk?"

"Yeah... Let's go." I smile as I grab his hand and pull him along with me and away from the lab. We walked the white corridors in mostly silence; the sound of our footsteps created a soft echo. We weren't meant to be outside of our correlated area, it was against the rules and Wicked had very strict rules. If we were caught... We turned the corner, and I broke the silence. "It's my birthday today..."

Connor looked down at me with a surprised look, "Oh? How old are you?"

"14." I answered, "I asked if I could help with the medical side of the Wicked Company, but now that I'm doing it... I don't really understand any of it." I confess to him.

"You'll get it soon enough..." Connors British accent flowed through the corridor, "You just need to practice." He smiled, "Besides, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything for your birthday."

"It's fine, I don't need anything." I say as I look down to our feet, Connor stepped out in front of me causing me to stop. He turned to face me, and slowly lifted my chin. "We've got to keep walking..." I say while trying to look down, but Connor denied me of that privilege, "We'll get caught..."

"I don't care about that... Do you?" he smiled down at me, "Now let me think about what I could give you..." He paused for a second, "How about this?" he breathed as he slowly began to lean down. Our lips had only just connected for a split second until someone interrupted.

"Miss Avery." Someone cleared their throats, "Mr Connor." We instantly broke apart from each other and turned to face the man who had spoken. It was one of the scientists that worked down the hall from us.

Oh, now we've blown this...

"Sorry to interrupt this... this, whatever this is but Mr Connor; would you mind coming with me?" The man continued speaking, Conner had stepped slightly forward, pushing me back a little in the process.

"N-Not at all, Sir." Connor stammered out, then turned and leant down to me, "I'll see you later, okay?"

I give him a small nod before he left, down the hall with the man. I was left to walk back to the lab, by myself. The thought of what just happened loomed on my mind, I let out a small squeal or more like yip as a grin spread across my face. He kissed me! I can't believe he actually kissed me, my first kiss. I let out a sigh and I walked back into the lab and next to Thomas, a smile plastered on my face.

"Why are you so smiley?" Thomas asked as he looked over at me.

"No reason." I say as I give him a cheeky grin, I could see that Thomas wanted to ask more questions, but he held himself back; knowing that he wouldn't get an answer from me.

I didn't see Connor until the next day, when I walked back into the lab and saw him sitting there, in his seat, in front of mine. "Hey, Avery..." Connor said as I sat down, though he sounded very tired. Along with the fact that he had dark under eyes and a bored expression that was plastered on his face.

A smile forms on my face, "Hey Connor." My mood instantly perking up.

"Connor?" He questioned, a confused look crossed his face, "That's not my name. Its Newton, or Newt... Whatever you want to call me." He answered kindly, while leaning forward toward me, resting his chin on his hands.

"Oh..." I let out, "How silly of me..." I say as I look down. Sometimes that happens, the people at Wicked don't like our given names, so they change them, I'm pretty sure they haven't changed mine. I mean why would they? My name is awesome.

However, what was very weird was that after that day, I never saw Newt again... Not once, no one told me where he went, it was as though he just disappeared.

Vanished into thin air.

The day after he disappeared was also the day I moved into the medical lab, they said that for a girl my age, I was special. And that they needed my medical knowledge to continue with their experiments, I couldn't help but think they wanted me as far away from the main lab as they could get me.

I was left heartbroken for almost a year; the thing in my mind was where had the boy with the blonde hair gone? Why did he leave without telling me? And... Why did everyone all of a sudden become so distant?

A/N: I'm so sorry this is so short and for this being such a late update :/

1103 words

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