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(adj.) Half dead of exhaustion


Present Day....

Before we knew it, the new greenie was out of the box and being shoved onto the ground by Gally. I personally would not have been so rough, particularly with a person who doesn't know who they are or where they are.

The boys form a circle around the boy; unintentionally blocking me out and making comments about him. "Hey..." I murmur while trying to get to the front, however but the time I do, the boy was already up and running away.

"Aye, we've got a runner!" Zart yelled as the boy ran.

I felt someone nudge my side, once I looked up, I saw Newt grinning while looking at the boy running, "Remind you of someone?" He questioned.

"A little," I smile as the rest of the boy's cheer, the boy kept running and he was actually going pretty fast. Until he face planted.... "But I made it further..."' I laughed and I made my way over to the homestead to change out of my jeans that were covered in mud.

I'll meet the new greenie, after I'm cleaned up.


Once in the homestead, I quickly took off my jeans and slid on my pair of denim shorts. I pulled of my t-shirt as quickly as possible and threw on the nearest long sleeve shirt. It was a pale yellowish, cream colour, but by the size and proximity of the shirt, I knew it was Newts. I didn't mind though; I always wear his clothes. However, it was a little long at the front so, I tucked the front into my black shorts.

I threw my hair up into a bun, with small strands of hair coming loose as framing my face. I let out a sigh as I sat down to put on my shoes, I always have to get changed quickly, I don't want anyone walking in on me again.

It happened once and I nearly died of embarrassment.

I push myself to my feet and went on an adventure to go find the Newbie, he looked interesting since now, I'm not the only one who ran. Instead I found Alby, he should know where he is. "Alby!" I said while jogging over to him, "Where's the Newbie? I want to meet him sooner rather than later..."

"He's in the Slammer." Alby replies while walking so I keep in pace with him.

"Slammer? For running?" I question, there's no reason he should be in there.

"Yes, for running." Alby looks at me and I give him an unimpressed to look. "What, Avery?"

"I ran. Did I end up in the Slammer?" I question not really expecting an answer, "Go get him out..."

I know I'm not the leader, but I sure am some sort of voice of reason when it comes to these boys.

"Going now..." Alby says while walking off towards the Slammer.

"Good..." I say while walking over to Newt, I need to talk to him. I make it towards the garden when the boy makes eye contact with me.

"Leave it to clumsy to lose all her shirts..." he says while standing up and walking over - the few steps - towards me.

"Yeah, I was actually meaning to ask you about that... where are they?" I question the taller boy.

"Al was doing the washing today, thought I'd give him your stuff to wash." Newt explains as he spots Alby from across the Glade, "Let's go meet the new greenie, shall we?"

"We shall." I mock as we make our way over to them.

"Hey, you alright, Alby?" Newt asks once we reach them, the Greenie looks at me with a curious face. He's probably weirded out that I'm the only girl he's seen in the Glade. However, there is something about him, he seems vaguely familiar, but he couldn't be familiar to me, I've never met him.

Alby let out a small laugh before speaking, "Greenbean, meet Newt," the Newbies eyes switched to Newt as Alby introduced him, "when I'm not around, he's in charge."

"Well it's a good thing you're always around then." Newt says while shaking the boy's hand.

"So sappy..." I laugh as I reach my hand forward, "I'm Avery, I'm now glad that I'm not the only one who ran." I smile but the boy just looked at my hand.

"You ran too?" His voice sounded scared and like he wanted answers, causing me to retract my hand.

"Yeah, I made it hell of a lot further than you though..." I joke.

"You also ran into a tree." Newt adds.

"Details..." I roll my eyes and the taller boy.

"Listen that was some dash you made out there," Newt says while looking at the new boy, "You know, for a second I thought you had the chops to be a runner. Till you face planted."

Alby and I let out a small laugh and quickly stop as we notice the look on the Newbies face. "You've got to admit, it was kinda funny." I say but nobody really noticed.

"Runner?" The boy questioned. He likes his questions...

"Aves, Newt? Do me a favour? Go find Chuck." Alby says and I give Newt a look, meaning; I'll go get him. "We're going to the tower, send him there."

I jog over to the box, where Chuck was, he was standing above the Box, helping unload. "Oi, Chuck!" I say while walking over to him. "You're not the Newbie anymore." I smile.

"I know! It feels so awesome." He grins while placing down a box. "Did you want something?"

"Uhm, actually I did, well not me, Alby. He wants you to meet him and the Greenie over at the tower." I explain.

"Okay, I'll go now." He says while picking up the supplies to make a hammock and walking in that direction, "uhm can yo-"

"I got it!" I yell back, I knew he wanted me to continue helping unload and that's what I was going to do. I look up and see Gally unloading too, and I couldn't help but speak up. "You really suck at getting people out of the box."

He looks up with a smirk, "Like you could do any better, Aves." He says while lifting a crate.

"I have." I say in a matter of fact tone, "Multiple times."

"Oh yeah? And what do I do wrong that you don't, Miss Perfect?"

"You scare people even more than they already are, like you shoved the new greenie to the ground." I say while raising my eyebrows, "you could be a little gentler, that's all I'm saying."

"Yeah? Well..." I could tell he didn't have any more to say so his final comment made me burst into laughter, "Boohoo."

A/N: I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love Avery and Gallys bickering. Also, I'm sorry that this chapter is kind of short, we are now finally getting to the actual movie part and Avery had met Thomassss! But she doesn't know his name yet... he doesn't even know his name.

Please remember to vote and give me feedback :)

1199 words

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