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(n.) A moment where you suddenly feel you understand. Or suddenly become conscious of something that's very important to you


⚠️TW: Thoughts of suicide⚠️

Years Ago....

It was early in the morning; the sky wasn't even light yet, when I decided to go on a walk. I looked over to Newts hammock to see he wasn't there. Strange. I shrugged it off, I'll probably see him somewhere, he's most likely training to go on one of the mapping runs, he normally leaves at first light when the doors open with Minho.

I leave the homestead as quietly as I could, trying to not wake the 15 boys that were in there. In the six months I've been in The Glade, I've made friends with everyone here. I also earned a place on the team of runners that maps the maze, only thing, it's a bit hard when it changes every night.

Firstly, I went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water, my mouth was really dry, it felt really odd. Being the first one up, I mean. I'm never up first, I like my sleep.

Wanted to go for a walk along the walls, I don't know why though, I just felt like that's where I needed to be. As I neared the wall, I saw what seemed to be a figure.... climbing up the side? My eyebrows furrowed as I got closer, trying to figure out who it was.... wait... "Newt?" I whisper to myself as my pace quickened. "Newt!" I yelled up to the person as I got to the bottom of the wall. "What are you doing!" My breath quickened as he didn't answer, without thinking I began to climb up the side.

Grabbing hold of anything that looked stable enough for me, I held onto vines and cracks in the wall as I ascended. "Newt!" I ended up screaming, but he still didn't answer, why isn't he listening to me? He'll fall if he goes up there...

I decided not to look down, scared that if I did, I'd fall myself. So, when I finally reached the top, I pulled myself onto the edge; my eyes solely focused on the blonde boy. "Newt..." I said weakly from all of the screaming.

"It's hopeless, Avery." He said sounding defeated, looking down to the ground, "We are trapped."

"No.... no we're not," I said while stepping forward once, Newt was about 2 metres in front of me, he's not thinking about what I think he is.... or is he? "You said yourself, we are finding a way out." I say softly.

"I've been here for over a year, if there was a way out... we would have found it by now." He spoke softly, causing tears to form in both of our eyes.

"No... I don't believe that..." I say while taking a few steps forward, trying to keep my balance.

"We're going to die in here anyway, Avery...." He said while looking up at me, I could see the tears falling down his cheeks. Hot tears fell down my cheeks, I hated seeing him like this.

"Newt... we - w-we aren't, okay?"

"If we are going to die, why not just get it over and done with?" He says, ignoring my words while looking back to ground. "Besides, I already feel so empty."

"Newt.... don't leave me.... not like this..." I cry to him, but he doesn't look at me, "Newt! Can you hear me? Please don't leave me. I can't imagine living without you, and yes, I know I've only been here for a little while, but you're the one keeping me sane. Without you, I'd be losing my shucking mind."

He finally looks up to me as I finally got close enough to the boy to grab his hand, "Hey...." I say while turning him towards me; my hands made their way to either said of his face as I spoke. "Do you know how much you mean to me?" I said through my tears.


"No. My turn to talk." I cut him off, "If you go, I'll have nothing left.... So, if you go, I'm coming right after you." I sob, while he begins to cry too. My arms soon wrap around his neck while his make their way around my waist. "You're not doing it...."

"I'm sorry, Avery. I'm sorry I scared you..." Newt whimpered as his head went into the crook in my neck.

"Scared me? You terrified me.... Don't do it again...." I say softly while hugging him tighter. We stand there for about 2 minutes, just hugging until he breaks away. Our faces were red, and our eyes were puffy from all the crying we had done.

"We better get down before we fall..." he says softly while looking down at me, I nod gently as newt sits on the edge, preparing to make his decent, he looked up to me.

However, it was in this moment, where things went from bad to worse. It was as if things turned to slow motion as Newt fell. "Newt!" A strangled scream left my mouth.

"Avery!" I heard him yell as he disappeared, below my vision.

As I tried to run to the edge, a rock moved from beneath my foot, causing me to fall backwards, a scream echoed throughout the air as I fell. First my back hit the edge of the wall, then gravity had chosen my path. The maze.

I made it about halfway down the wall before I started hitting the vines. Sticks and leaves violently hitting my face, causing cuts to be left on my face as I crashed to the floor of the maze.

Just before I hit the floor, though, I seemed to get fully tangled in the vines, but my wrist got caught and an excruciating pain shot through my entire left arm. A scream left my lips without my permission as I wrenched my wrist from where vines wrapped around it.

It was still dark inside the maze, and the doors didn't open for another 3 hours. I made my way out of the vines and made my way into the middle of the hallway per se. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth, causing me to spit it out, a dark liquid was left on the ground... blood. I let out a sigh as I looked at my wrist, it was definitely broken.

My breath sped up as I only just realised how much danger I was really in, it wasn't light yet, that meant the grievers were most likely going to be still out. I began hyperventilating.

Calm down, Avery. Breathe....

Soon I controlled my breathing as I began walking to where I thought the door was, but right now at darkness everything looked the same. Suddenly I heard an unfamiliar noise, a mechanical twitching noise. What is that?

I rounded the corner, my eyes widened in fear as I saw a mechanical creature, I could see the insides of it, it definitely wasn't any animal I've ever seen. It was covered in a green slime, a type of mucus. This is what grievers look like...

I quickly looked down to its legs and saw sharp spikes for feet and arms. It was a thing that nightmares are made from. The smell of burning oil filled the air around us; sending a shiver down my spine. Suddenly, it turned and saw me, it's arm quickly struck out at me, creating a gash down my face, from my ear down to my chin. I screamed as I began to run, it was the only thing to do.

My life depended on it.

A/N: I'm sorry if this update triggered you in anyway, but now that gives a backstory on why Newt isn't a runner (if you can put the pieces together, that's also why Avery isn't one) and now we know how she got that scar on her cheek.

Please remember to vote and give me feedback :)

1322 words

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