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Win came back holding two drinks in his hand,he was surprised to see Bright standing there alone with a frown on his face.

"What happened?Wheres Nicky?" Win asked.

Bright took the drinks from Wins hands and put them aside,He then pulled Win out of the house and to the lawn.Win still couldn't process what was happening.He looked at Bright with confused eyes.

"Win you know I Love you,Now that you have accepted me,I can't live without you,I don't know Win,I just need you to be with me,now and FOREVER please" Bright said with a pleading tone.

Win just hugged Bright and slowly patted his head,"Hey shush,I will never leave you,I love you,you know that" Win whispered into Brights ear.

Bright just shook his head.

"W-Win Don't let anyone hit on you OK? You are MINE" Bright said.

Win faced Bright and nodded,"I'm yours,and you are mine" Win said.

He then hugged Bright back and rested his head on the curve of Brights neck sniffing in his scent, Life was beautiful at that moment.

The party came to an End and The next day Bright and Win returned back to Hogwarts.

Monday Morning

Bright met Win in the hallway,as soon as Win saw Bright he jumped and hugged him,Bright just ruffled Wins soft hair,"Good morning Baby" Bright said.

"Eew people in love stink" JJ said and Mick just laughed.

"Baby we have a match this afternoon,come cheer for me?" Bright said.

"I will" Win said nodding his head cutely.

Bright kissed Win on the Nose before joining his friends while Win just giggled like a kid.

"You love him a lot,Don't you? " Mick said.

"I do" Win said.

"Where is Win?My friend was never this bold to accept his love before" JJ said.

"You are just Unhappy cause I have a handsome boyfriend," Win said.

"No,But even I am curious what made you change?" Mick asked.

"Maybe now that I know he loves me too,I am not afraid of showing him my true feelings,It feels good to be able to kiss him whenever I want,He made me a lot more confident " Win said.

And they just smiled,seeing their friend head over heels in love with someone like this. After that they just went to class.

After classes Win went to see Brights Match with Mick,while JJ had to work on an Assignment.

Win cheered for Bright as much as he could even though they were from different houses,In the middle of the match Mick had to go with professor Dumbledore to help him,leaving Win there alone.

Win was watching the match when he saw some snacks being handed to him,he just smiled and looked to his side,Nicky was there smiling back.

"Thanks Nicky,You like Quiditch?" Win asked now munching on the snacks.

" No,But there is something here that I like" Nicky replied.

Win was going to ask something when Brights team scored another point,Win became so busy at cheering that he forgot what Nicky had said.Through out the match Nicky would talk to Win and that innocent bunny would reply with cute smiles as he answered his Questions.

The match came to a quick break.Win was still talking to Nicky.

"Hey,Bunny" Win heard someone calling him.

He looked at that Direction and Saw Joss.

"JOOOSSSS!" Win ran to Joss and Joss patted his head and gave him a smile.

"I haven't seen you in so long,Brights doing good I see" He said Pointing at Bright.

" We are both doing good,I missed my friend where were you?" Win said with a pout.

" I was a little busy" Joss said while looking at Luke who was on the opposite side of the field.

"No way, You need to give me details" Win screamed.

" I will,Lets Have lunch,You, me and Bright" Joss smiled and Win smiled back knowing that Joss and Bright were now good to each other.

Joss looked at Nicky and Just gave him a glare. "Be safe Bunny, I'll catch you around." Joss smiled at Win and went back.

"Who's that" Nicky asked Win when Win finally sat down.

" He's a good friend" Win replied.still looking towards the field.

After the match Joss came to the players stall.

"Hey man!" he said.

"Hey dude,Its been long" Bright came to him and gave him a fist bump.

{Bright and Joss had Bonded after Bright realized that Joss was a good guy and he cared for Win as a true friend,and now Bright and Joss were close too.}

"It has,Anyways everything is OK right?" Joss asked.

"Yeah" Bright replied.

"I just saw a fly hanging around Bunny,Thought I'd give you a heads up" Joss said.

"Yeah,I might know that fly, Thanks bro, I appreciate it" Bright said.

"Anything for you guys,anyways lets have lunch someday I already told win about it" Joss said.

"Yeah sure man" Bright said and Joss was walking away signing him a wave when Bright called out.

"Hey Joss bring luke with you" Bright teased his friend.

Joss just smiled and waved slowly blending in to the crowd.

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