Why Me?

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Win had a really good night sleep that night, His heart was full,and that night he dreamed of bright.

the next morning Win,JJ and mick were having breakfast both of them knew something happened seeing the big grin on their friend face,but they didn't want to pressure him so they  stayed quiet admiring their friends happiness. 

Win was almost done with his breakfast when he saw Bright walk in with a few friends of his,Win thought that bright wouldn't acknowledge him in front of his friends so he didn't say anything.He gave Bright a small smile and tilted his head down, back to the book he was reading.

"What are you reading?" Win heard a voice not far from him,He tilted his head up to see Bright Hovering over the table looking at him with a soft smile.

"oh!It's just for my Potions class" Win said with a small dorky smile.

"Don't stress yourself too much, Enjoy your Breakfast" Bright said leaning forward closer to Win,he then ruffled Wins hair a bit ,gave him a small smile and went back to sit with his friends.

Win blushed lightly and then He realized, there were two pairs of eyes on him,He saw both Mick and JJ had their Jaws dropped,Win knew he had to explain himself, So he told his friends everything that had happened.

"I'm so happy for you" Mick said with a huge smile.

Win was glad that his friends supported him,but his smile faded when he saw concern on JJ's face.

"Whats wrong?Are you not happy for me?" Win said.

JJ gave a small smile.He took Win's hand in his and looked at him with eyes full of care and worry."I am your best friend,Of course I'm happy for you. It's just,you have liked him for a long time,and you finally told him,but he didn't show any interest before then why is he suddenly so caring? I just don't want him to play you" he said.

Win understood his Friends concern.He was now curious too.So he told JJ that He'll find out Bright's true intentions.

That evening Bright was practicing Quidditch . He was almost done for the day,When he saw Win walking up to him in the field,He was glad that Win now had the  courage to come up to him on his own.Bright excused himself and went to Win.

"Missing me already, Bunny?" Bright teased Win.

But win had a serious look on his face and it didn't budge,Bright was now concerned.

"Can we talk?" win said pointing towards the clock tower.

Bright knew something was up so he quickly wrapped up from practice and went with Win.

the reached the top of the tower and both of them remembered how this place had brought happiness to them the last time they were here.

"Why did you allow me to hit on you? Do you just want to pass some time with me,are you playing me? " Win was direct,he needed answers.

Bright was Astonished,he didn't expect something like this, but he was ready to answer Win.

"Because I like you too!Damn it! How could you think that I would play you?Do you think that I am that Shallow?"Bright said with anger and disappointment .

"Why?Why me?Why would you like someone like me?Win Let out,He was Crying now.

Brights heart sank,He couldn't see Win cry like this.He went closer to win,Whipped away his tears,Cherished Win's cheeks with his thumb and then he let out a small sigh.

"I'll tell you everything from the start.Just don't cry ,OK? I can't see you like this " Bright said.

                                                                    Flashback 4 years ago

Bright had landed at the platform and was going to get on a carriage to come to Hogwarts for their second year there.He was a calm kid,he never hurt anyone but he wasn't the friendly type either,what other people did,didn't concern him the least.

he was getting on a carriage when he saw Malfoy bullying a kid, He didn't know the kid but he felt bad for him,they were treating him in a cruel way,What happened next shocked him,A kid with a really cute face was trying to stop the bullies from hurting the kid,he wasn't strong and he also got beaten up but still he helped the other boy,he also gave him medicine after the bullies left, that kid wasn't a fighter,he wasn't strong either but he was kind and caring,He had love and adoration in his eyes,His smile made Brights heart flutter. that kid was no one else  but Win. Bright had fallen for him at first sight,he would always see win taking care of other people,being nice to everyone,smiling all the time radiating positive energy and that made him fall deeper for him.

                                                                           End of Flashback

"Ever since you told me,you liked me I have been over the moon,I just didn't know how to tell you,but i can never even think of hurting you" Bright said.

Win was so shocked,the guy he liked,liked him,he even liked him for longer than he could imagine.

He didn't need to think much,He rushed to Bright and gave him a very passionate Bone crushing hug,They stayed like that for a long time,both of them could feel each others heart beats,and they wanted to stay like that forever.

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