What happened to your Neck?

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Bright and Win were having lunch at the clock tower,It was late November,soon it will be time for their Christmas holidays.

"Are you going to go home during the holidays?" Win asked while lying on Brights lap,playing with his(B) fingers.

There was no answer, Win looked up to see Bright with a sad expression on his face.

"Hey, What's wrong,You can tell me anything,you know that" Win said holding onto Brights hands in his.

" I really don't want to go back to that place" bright said.

Win felt bad,the person he loved, was sad and he didn't even know why.

"When I was small,My Parents went to Fight against death eaters,both of them were powerful and skilled,but they were out numbered,they gave their lives to help other people,I'm proud to be their son." Bright said with watery eyes.

Win was shocked to see this vulnerable side of Bright,but his heart was warm that he was trusted by the man he loved.

" I now live with my aunt,and she's.... Let's just say she's not that pleasant" Bright said Whipping his eyes.

"Hey,I have an idea,Why Don't you join my family for holidays this year,My papa is a great Chef,We can have so much fun" Win Exclaimed.

Bright was shocked by his bunnys sudden offer. 

"Are you sure?I don't want to be a burden to your parents" Bright was Hesitant.

"You are now a part of my life, I gave you my heart silly,you will never be a burden to me" Win said with a huge smile.

Bright swore his heart skipped a few beats seeing that smile.he didn't want that smile to fade away.

"Come on, Prettypleasssseeeeee" Win was using his puppy eyes to lure Bright in.

"Ok, I will" Bright said While ruffling Wins hair.

"Yaayyyy!!!" Win exclaimed.

He gave Bright a bone crushing hug and a small kiss on the lips.

Bright was happy that Win kissed him first Nowadays.

"You know if you tempt me like that,I can't stop" Bright Smirked.

He pulled win by the waist and made him,Sit oh his lap and then he started kissing him passionately, biting Wins lips and leaving marks all around his neck and Collar bone. Their make out session was quite steamy. After what seemed like eternity they finally stopped so that they can take a breather.

They looked out to see the Sun was setting,They had to go back now

As they were approaching the main castle,

"Hey Win,Can you wrap this around your neck" Bright gave Win a Scarf. Win had no clue why he was giving it to him in the first place.{A\N: It's not his fault ok,Win is just an innocent baby} 

"It's ok Bright, I'm not that cold and it's warm inside the Castle" he said with a smile.

Brights eyes just grew big and he started laughing seeing how innocent his baby bunny was.He leaned closer to Wins ear and Whispered " So you want everyone to see the hickies that I gave you, Damn, I knew you were getting braver bunny" He then gave Win a Classic Bright Smirk.

Wins face was reader than a tomato,he took out a small mirror from his bag and saw all the hickies , His ears were red too now,He pulled the scarf from Brights hand wrapped it around his neck and started walking. leaving bright to Smile there alone.

at the dinning hall everyone was having dinner. Win sat next to mick and JJ was sitting right across. Bright was Sitting with his housemates on the Slytheryn table,and could easily see Win from his Table,They exchanged glances here and there.

"Hey Win are you feeling cold?Are you Sick?"Mick asked.

Wins eyes grew large. Oh no what if they saw his neck.What was he gonna say,They Know about Bright,but this was so embarasing.

As Win was lost in his thought,JJ pulled his scarf away from his neck, " Hey I didn't know you had this scarf" JJ said.

"Yeah,Green is n-Wait! What happened to your Neck" Mick exclaimed dropping his chips from his hand.

Bright who was watching from a far couldn't stop smiling. *How are you gonna get out of this one bunny* he thought in his head. Win saw Brights smirk and came up with a smile he had a wicked plan.He then whispered something in Mick and JJs ear and both of them looked at Bright like they were gonna shoot him.

after dinner JJ and Mick dragged Bright out the hall into a corner,Bright was shocked at what was happening.

"I know Win is adorable but Next time you are hungry, can you get some proper food and not try to ravish our best friend" They said.Bright was now blushing. after they ranted to Bright about how he should not try to eat Win every chance he gets they finally left him alone.

As soon as they left Bright saw a smiling Win approaching him.

"Serves you right for leaving me with all these"he said while pointing at his neck .

bright pulled Win and pinned him to a wall.

"You are Mine.and I'm not gonna miss any chance of showing it, these marks are proof that you are reserved for me" Bright said. Finally he loosened his grip and win made a run for it,He was reder than a tomato and didn't want anyone to see it.

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