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December went by really fast and soon it was time for everyone to go on their break for the holidays.

Bright and Win were going to Win's parents house the next evening, they were really excited for their first Christmas together.They were done packing and decided to have a walk after having lunch together, the were in a garden full of flowers ,the flowers were covered with white snow,The trees had no leaves on them, yet the ice suckles made the trees glow, there was a few rays of sunlight here and there.

Both of them were walking hand in hand when all of a sudden Bright stopped,he pulled his hand back to the side letting go of Wins hand,Win surprised by the act came to a halt.

"Ummm hey Win" Bright said with a curious look.

"Hmmm?" Win said

"I need to ask you something?" Bright seemed Hesitant.

"OK, then ask" Win smiled.

" just know that whatever your answer is I'm completely fine with it and you don't need to feel pressured to say yes or anything,OK?" Bright literally said that in a breath,he seemed Nervous.

"Ahhh....OK" Win said lifting his left brow.

*Come on bright you can do it,how bad can it be, he won't leave me after this right! What if this is too plain, ugghhh what if he says No... Come on bright man up, just breathe....* Brights head was a mess.

"bright....Brightttt...BRRRRIIGGHHTTT" Win was shaking brights arm now.

"Um..ha?" bright snapped out of his trans.

"You were going to ask me something?" Win replied.

Bright Sighed.He took out his wand.

"Orchideous" {Grows flowers from end of wand}

Bright handed Win the flowers and Win smiled seeing the beautiful yellow flowers.

He held Wins hand and said "Win Metawin,I love you,you are the only person that makes my heart beat faster and I want to be able to hold your hand anytime and kiss you anytime and in front of anyone.Would you please be my Boyfriend?"

Win just smiled and shakes his head.

"Of course I'll be your Boyfriend silly" He replied.

Bright laughed and then he kissed Win.He pulled him in by the waist closing the gap between them,after the soft kiss they both rested their foreheads together.

"As much as I love all this fuzzy stuff,what got to you all of a sudden?" Win asked.

"Um...well...When I meet your parents tomorrow I want them to know me as your boyfriend "Brights tone was light and soft.

" I just know that they will love you,Cause their son already loves you" Win replied kissing Brights cheek lightly.

After that they went back to the castle hands clasped together.

The next day they arrived at Godrics Hollow, This is where Wins family home was located,As soon as they teleport in front of the house,Brights eyes grew big, He was shocked to see a huge Mansion in front of him, He realized that there were a lot of things about Win that he still didn't know.

"Come on lets go in" Win pulled Bright by the arm and lead him inside.

Once they were in, the beauty of the place gave Bright Goose bumps all over.Bright was still processing his thoughts,when he saw two handsome men who were probably in their late 40's walking in to the room.

"Dad,Papa" Win literally screamed and jumped in to hug them.All of them were on the floor laughing and hugging each other tightly,Brights heart became warm,seeing how close Win was with his family,It made him happy.

The three giggly family members pulled themselves up and smiled widely at each other before one of them turned to look at Bright with a smile.

"and you must be Bright,pleasure to meet you young man,Winnie has mentioned a lot about you these days".the man said.

"um..yes sir,Bright Vachirawit,It's a pleasure to meet you sir" Bright extended his hand.

The eyes of Wins parent suddenly grew big,they looked at each other and faced Bright.their faces looked curious.

"Vachirawit? Are you by any chance the son of Jacob and Olivia Vachirawit?" one of them asked.

"uh...yes" Bright was shocked they knew his Parents.

Both of them pulled Bright into a hug.Win was in shock at what was happening.

"oh dear boy,We finally get to see you,you grew up to be so handsome,let me introduce ourselves,I am New,this is my husband Tay,we were really close to your parents when we were in Hogwarts".

Bright got a little emotional hearing about his parents.

"Your parents saved a lot of people lives young man,including ours, We looked for you for so long,but your muggle aunt is such a disgrace to society,she didn't let any of us see you,or teach you about magic,We never thought She'd let you come to Hogwarts"

"She didn't, I ran away from home when I got my letter,Hagrid helped me to know about magic and everything,I am grateful to him." Bright replied.

"That man is always a big Sweet heart" Tay laughed.

"Win son,I approve of your choice highly,you made papa really proud" New went over to Win and started patting his shoulder.

"Come lets go in for dome tea,we have so much to catch up on with you Bright" Tay and New pulled Bright and Win to the dining room,and the two youngsters just Smiled.

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