Being old together

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This oneshot is inspired by the Black Mirror chapter called "San Junipero" (3 x 04).

TW//Cancer, people in coma.

CW// The slightest of what could be considered as the beginning of sexual content, not actual smut.

*3rd person POV* (5.6k+ words)

San Junipero, 1987Saturday night, 10:00 p

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San Junipero, 1987
Saturday night, 10:00 p.m.
Physical age: 24

Loud music is blaring through the thin walls of a crowded, smoky club downtown. The hits of the moment mostly, is what makes people going anyway.

Belinda Carlisle's voice found its way to be the star of tonight's events. It seems like Heaven Is A Place On Earth really made an impression back in '87. Every corner he passed, the familiar melody echoed in his ears. The bar wasn't an exception.

This place wasn't exactly the definition of a bar. It isn't dark like most of them are, no, this was the opposite of that. Bright neon lights on the ceiling is what keeps the room lightened. It qualified more to be a club.

People with crazy outfits, and sloppy styled hair, are dancing to the tunes this bar has to offer. Casually drinking and having a damn good time.

Ryan, well, he wasn't much of a dancer. He preferred sitting on a corner and admire his surroundings. A drink in hand and a small smile displayed on his lips.

An unpleasant smell of sweat, cheap booze and cigarettes, fills Ryan's lungs whenever he takes a deep breath.

A pretty girl in her mid-twenties glances at Ryan, and walks over to where he's sitting. A flirtatious grin added to her sharp features. "Hey!"

When the girl doesn't get the attention she wants from Ryan, she sits next to him without a previous invitation. "Hey!" She repeats herself, louder this time.

Ryan's taken aback by the sudden actions of this girl. He takes a look at her —flirty and bottom lip pulled between her teeth— before rejecting any further conversations and giving this stranger false hopes. "Not interested."

The girl scoffs, and the next second she's long gone.

Ryan sighs along with a roll of eyes, and takes a long sip of his whiskey. The bitter liquid making his throat ache in a weird, different way.

When he lowers his glass after drowning the last drop, he's about to stand up and go get another one. But a familiar figure appears in front of him, stopping him.

"Missed me?" Brendon says in a lovingly, innocent manner. Chocolate brown eyes sparkling with all the lights going on around them. Plump lips curved upwards in a big smile and cheeks rosy.

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