Teaching each other how to do something

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*Brendon's POV* (1.2k+ words)

It's my first day, working here in the new café in town.

I need to save money for college and getting a new job will help, whatever job it was, it didn't matter. But I heard about this new coffee shop a few streets away from my high school.

So one day I walked here to find out if they were hiring, and thankfully it did have a 'Now hiring' flyer on the glass window outside. I sighed in relief and made my entrance.

The place was small and homey, beige walls and drawings related to coffee on them. They were at least ten to twelve tables of different sizes and specific kind of chairs for each. The intense smell of black coffee and sweet pastries filled all the atmosphere.

The guy who greeted me —after I informed I was interested for the job— was the owner of the place, and he doesn't look like it, at all.

I'm sure he'd fit more in a tattoo parlor than here in a coffee shop, but apparently not, he's my boss. His name is Andy (a/n: Biersack :), and even if he has this bad boy look, wearing all black, piercing blue eyes, nose pierced and sleeves of tattoos, he's a chill guy.

That was three or four days ago. They made me fill and application form and told me to wait for a call, which I did. So here I am, not knowing what to do.

Andy gave me a light brown apron with the logo of the store printed in the up right corner. Then he told me to make myself comfortable and wait for other person to help me out getting familiar with everything. After that he said he needed to go last minute shopping, some mugs if I'm correct, and left me by myself.

Oh, let me change that, a guy holding an apron same as mine walks in. A tall, slim, brown-haired boy, around my age, wearing blue jeans and a Queen T-shirt. He takes off his jacket and goes directly to the 'personal only' door, without noticing me — that's sad. He must be the someone I'm waiting for, and he seems like he doesn't want company at all.

He doesn't take long inside and when he's by my side putting on his apron I introduce myself "Hey, I'm Brendon, the new guy."A small smile displayed on my lips, and for the first time we make eye contact.

I instantly melt and my legs feel weak. Honey brown eyes stare deep in my soul, soft features of the boy in front of me and dazzling smile has me dying. "Ryan, nice to meet you."

"You too." I look at the floor, trying to not be awkward keeping my gaze on him. "S-So, Andy told me you'd help me." I stutter and mentally kick my ass. My cheeks turn bright red and he chuckles.

"Yeah, sure." He says easily, the mood I thought he had was completely gone. "First thing is knowing how to use correctly the coffee maker. C'mere."

He motions me to stand in front of the machine and it looks familiar, I have one of these at home. "Have you used one of these before?" I nod. "Great, so this is gonna be an easy task. But I'll tell you the basics nonetheless."


"Look, you'll fill the carafe with cold water until this mark, not more not less, here." With his finger, he points the line where I'm supposed to fill the thing with water. "And then you'll pour it on the reservoir."

"Right," I'm paying half attention to the explanation and half to his lips moving through his talking, I'm not admitting that though.

He's also preparing the coffee while the explanation keeps going. That way we don't waste time and have the coffee ready to serve.

"If the bag of grounded coffee you're using empties, we keep more down here." He bends down a bit and gestures to the spot where the full bags are. "Also, we normally use regular coffee, but some would ask for decaf or some others —that's why we have more coffee makers, if somebody doesn't want the regular, you prepare the special one—. You'll just need to choose the right option."

"And in that case I make the full carafe or only a fraction of it?" This question is the most elaborated one I'm capable of forming, I just can't think straight when he's right beside me and smiling like that.

"The same amount darling. In the filter goes five spoons of coffee, with this spoon you'll measure them. " He holds a special white spoon on his hand.  I blush harder for the cute nickname.

"Ok, five spoons, gotcha." I nod without looking at him and he chuckles.

"Yep, and then you just turn the machine on and wait for it to brew." Ryan smiles at me when he notices I'm blushing, that makes my face grow even more red. "Easy right?"

"Y-Yeah, thanks. What else should I know?"

Ryan turns around and continues with showing me everything, from the sizes of the mugs we have and the name of the pastries available, to how does the cash register works. He practically guided me on my training in here.

By the time the first customer arrives I'm done with learning and Ryan nudges me on my side, "You think you're ready? First client over there."

"Maybe." I answer without thinking, I shock my head immediately after. "No, you go, I'll watch."

"Sure, but you're next." He winks at me, fucking winks at me. I'm dead.

"Hi, welcome to Andy's, what can I get ya?" Ryan greets the young lady on the counter, she's short about our age, blonde hair in a messy bun.

{~\\ • 🥥 • //~}

"See, it wasn't that difficult, you killed it!" After attending my first client I was shaking slightly, the boy only asked for a regular medium coffee and a donut for takeout, but I freaked out nonetheless. "Hey, calm down bud."

Ryan took a hold of my hands, looking at
me straight in the eyes. "No, I fucking suck at this."

He brings my hands to his lips and kisses my knuckles, I blush hard. "Of course not, you'll get used to this, also you're cute when you're like this." The blush only gets worse.

"Stop it." I giggle "Don't lie."

"I'm not lying sugar, you're cute." He grips my hands tighter and I smile. "May I have your number, Bren?"

"Why do you want it?" I ask stupidly and he chuckles. "Forget I said that, I'm stupid. Sure you can have my number."

I let my hands free from his grip to go inside for my phone, when I'm out we exchange both phones and register the numbers on them.

"Now that I have your number Bren, I won't hesitate to give you a call, and maybe a date sometime?" I nod giggling.

"Ok, I'll wait." I rush inside again to save my phone in my bag and to hide my super intense red color on my face. I scream internally.

I can't, I'll die for a happiness overdose.
He just asked me out!

Cute and short coffee shop au? Yes.
Andy Biersack in it? Yes.

Hope you liked it! Bye<3
-Love you so damn much, N💕💖

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