Pet names

179 5 3

CW// Slight jealousy

*3rd person POV* (600+ words)

Boyfriend Nicknames: Over 150 Cute Names for the Guy In Your Life

Brendon read while scrolling through his facebook feed laying in bed.

It was just an ad of some page, but it woke up interest in him.

Calling his other half babe or Ry was getting kinda old — don't get him wrong, those are the best nicknames ever, but he didn't mind finding a few more.

So he didn't think twice and clicked the link for the page, popping up in his phone screen a list with over 150 cute nicknames.

"Bae." Brendon read out loud, he felt it sounded weird, like bae, no it's babe no bae, eh whatever.

He didn't get a reaction from the other boy.

Ryan was laying beside him almost falling asleep, his back facing Brendon and the younger boy was petting the older's soft brown hair.

"Honey bunny, that's cute." Brendon kept reading some in his mind and some of them out loud. This way he could feel how it sounded like, how it rolled out of his tongue.

If it felt right then he would add it to Ryan's cute nicknames, but if it didn't then he would ignore it and move to the next one.

"Hottie." only then he caught Ryan's attention.

If you listen to your boyfriend say hottie out of nowhere, probably in his phone — he wasn't looking, but he knew Brendon indeed was, he always checked his phone before sleep — what's happening?

"What?" Ryan says with tiredness in his voice, more asleep than awake, but he needed to know why the younger boy said hottie.

"Eh?" Brendon asked confused.

"Who's the hottie?" Ryan is definitely more aware now and facing Brendon with a face that reads 'answer me please, would ya?'.

"You." Brendon says chuckling, earning a more confused glance for Ryan who is now sitting crossed legged in front of him.

"Look," He shows Ryan his phone with the screen showing up the nicknames "This page popped up and I was reading them, some are cute, others are weird."

Ryan let out a relief sigh, it's just a nickname, for him?

No wait, is he seriously reading that?! How the fuck that happened?! Ryan had no idea.

"And why are you even reading this?" Ryan chuckled giving a read to the cheesy names "So cheesy."

"Dunno." Brendon shrugged "Have you liked at least one?"

Ryan keeps reading the list and a smile appears in his face "Muffin." He looks up at Brendon's expression carefully and when he returns the smile he says it again. "Muffin."

"Cute." Brendon blurted out

"But it's cheesy, we're not cheesy."

They didn't know, but in the eyes of other people they were cheesy as fuck. But we don't need them to know that.

"Sweetheart." Ryan shook his head.

"Let's don't say that... I don't know why, but I think sweetheart is a nickname moms use for their children, not like as a couple nickname."

"And I thought I was the weird one." Brendon rolled his eyes and laughed slightly, falling backwards on the bed, returning to where he was laying before.

"Shut up, you haven't lost that title." Ryan chuckles and lays back down, face pressed in Brendon's chest, racing up and down as he breathes. Left arm wrapping around the shorter midsection and legs intertwined.

"Anyways, after reading that ton of new names, which one is your favorite?" Ryan murmurs cuddled in Brendon's bare chest.

"Babe." He breathes out, cuddling more on Ryan's side. "It'll always be babe. Babe." Both of them chuckle at that.

But soon it fades out and they continue to fall asleep in each other arms, enjoying each other company.

Hope you liked it! Bye<3
-Luv luv luv, N💕💖

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