Dealing with children

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This work isn't mine!
It was written by my amazing and lovely friend childofyough2013 , love you sweetie🥺💖

Full credits goes to her, I was simply the beta reader!

TW// Family abuse, minor character death, gun/gunshots, bullying, homophobia, harsh language, depression, eating disorder. 

(There will be a warning later on to indicate the beginning and end of a strong scene, be free to skip it.)

CW// Referenced sex.


*3rd person POV* (5.3k+ words)

Ryan loved the snow. No matter how cold or many inches. Ryan would play in the snow. It was days like these he would always love.

At first Ryan had no friends, of course being a shy little guy he had to make friends of his own. When saying made, he actually did. Out of snow. Three other friends who he made up because he was alone.

One day while young Ryan played in the snow, Mrs.Ross watched her child from the window, sipping her morning coffee. She worried about her son, but she guessed that's what all mothers do. Of course when she grew up, she had met many kids, and she tried to help Ryan with that, but as kids are, they're stubborn.

Mrs. Ross thought quietly to herself while the news played on the old TV "Was it because of her? Or her husband?" Who worked a bunch, and when he did come home, he would drink until he fell asleep. She shook her head at the thought and instead, she watched Ryan making a snow angel in the snow. He always managed to brought a smile to her face.

{ ~\ \ • 🥥 • / / ~}

At the age of seven, Ryan still had no friends. He figured he didn't need any since he made it this far.

Then, the last bell rang and Ryan smiled with joy. It had snowed just a small amount to where it was only a light dusting. But Ryan still couldn't wait to go outside. As he walked home, he took in his surroundings, making sure to step in the snow. Mrs. Ross was at work, but she knew Ryan would get home safe and sound. Ryan always did, their town wasn't bad like any of the big cities. Although, Mrs. Ross taught Ryan what to do when something bad happens.

As Ryan took a left for his neighborhood, he saw the house right across from his had people running around it. Ryan got closer to his house and saw that people were moving in the house. Ryan then remembered a sign that said SOLD in big red letters, but that didn't dawn on Ryan until now. Ryan then went to get into his house, finding the key under the mat. As he stepped inside he heard yelling.

"BRENDON, I SWEAR IF YOU TOUCH MY STUFF I WILL KILL YOU!" A girl with blond short hair yelled, running a small boy out the house.

A kid with black hair came running towards what looks like the mother. "Mom! Save me. I didn't touch anything." He pleaded

Then the mother said something in his ear and he went away, but not without looking towards Ryan's direction. Ryan quickly shut the door and tried to get his breathing back to normal. The boy looked friendly, but Ryan didn't want to talk to him. He wouldn't be his friend anyway. Thank god it was Friday.

As Mrs. Ross got home, she could see a moving truck was in the driveway of the old house from across the street. She smiled fondly, hoping a kid of Ryan's age lived there. Little did she know that kid was excited to meet a boy his age.

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