Watching the other sleep

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TW// Referenced self consciousness

*Ryan's POV* (1.3k+ words)

You know that feeling of cuddling and then falling asleep wrapping your other half in your arms, keeping them as close as you possible can, that tingling sensation in the very pit of your stomach every time you are with that special person?

Thankfully I do know that feeling, and I can assure that it's definitely the closest description of heaven.

Waking up to a kiss on the cheek from your favorite person in the whole world is magical.

Even the smallest of gestures mean a lot, and that's because they're genuine actions. Lesser is more, and even a simple and innocent peck on the cheek, just like little kids would do, holds a lot of meaning.

I'm so grateful for having him by my side. I seriously don't deserve someone like him, he's to good for a common and miserable person like me.

But every day we spend together he proves me otherwise. I didn't believe in those fairy tail made up stuff that talk about soulmates, at least until now. I'm pretty sure, if soulmates are a real thing, we definitely are, we are meant to be together.

I may not be the greatest of boyfriends or the kindest of all people, but being with him has  changed me. I used to be so self conscious, but with his help I learned to admire the positive instead of focusing on the negative.

What would I do without him?

Soft sleepy sounds —almost like purrs— , fall from those smooth pink lips that belongs to the prettiest boy on earth —that I was so lucky to fall in love with— echoes through my ears as the soundtrack of the morning

I haven't opened my eyes but I know the room is clear lighted. The curtains remain open since I forgot to close them yesterday night —the movie was so good, I forgot!

I move slightly on my laying position, Brendon fell asleep with his head resting on my bare chest and his arms wrapped around my mid-section. Both of us hidden in a mess of sheets and thick comfy covers, it's winter and the room gets extra cold in this time of the year.

I kiss the top of his head, nuzzling his hair —sweet vanilla and just him— filling my lungs with the scent of the sweetest sleepy boy.

When I manage to open my eyes, just a bit though, I find myself smiling at the sight.

Rays of sunshine coming through the window towards us, lightening his soft features, long dark eyelashes showing off, and his nose crinkling a bit. Hair sticking up everywhere and some locks falling over his closed eyes. His lips slightly parted from making those relaxing sounds

I could stay here just admiring the beauty sleeping in front of me —well technically, over me—, taking in all, let the time fly by and I wouldn't care.

I don't know how much time I've been appreciating the view until he finally wakes up.

He stretches his arms and arches his back, and then he goes back to his cuddly place over me. Opening his eyes slowly, adjusting to all the light in the room.

"Mornin' beautiful." I say muffling his hair a bit and he giggles.

"You're not bad yourself, morning too." He looks up at me and I meet his adorable big brown eyes, his cheeks are tinted a shade of pink and the corner of his mouth is curved upwards in a small smile.

I don't hesitate to close the gap between us and give him a sweet little peck on those pretty pretty lips of his.

"How long have you been watching me sleep?" He blurts out giggling, directing his gaze to everywhere but my eyes, the flushed tone of his cheeks still visible.

"Maybe an hour or so, dunno," I shrug "You're cute sleeping. Not that you aren't cute when awake, but sleepy Brendon beats all of the other versions with the superior cuteness." A big grin on my face as the pink tone on his cheeks turns into a dark red.

"Stop it," he shooks his head and hides his face with his hands. "I'm not cute while sleeping."

"Lies." I take a hold of his wrists to try and see his face, and when I manage to do that I lean down and take him off guard with my lips connecting with his. "You're cute."





"I'm hungry."

We both laugh at the sudden change of words.

"Of course you are, what do you want for breakfast, hun?" I poke his nose and he giggles. "Are pancakes ok?"

He nods his head and I climb off of the bed, not before leaving a kiss on his forehead before getting out of the room. "I'll be back in a few, stay here my love."

He sends me a flying kiss and goes back to lay in bed, hiding again inside of all the covers.

I quickly prepare chocolate chips pancakes using the already mixed batter from the fridge. When I'm done I pile them in a sophisticate form, decorating with whipped cream and fresh berries. I also prepare black coffee, serving two mugs —I make sure to use his favorite mug, plain white with colorful dots all over it.

In situations like this —a plate and two mugs, and only two hands— it's when the tiny table for eating in bed gets useful.

I get a little too romantic and I cover it with a pinkish, soft at the touch, cloth. Fuck, I need a flower.

I rush to our backyard to cut some little purple flowers we have there —sorry mother nature, but I needed too, and they were just two.

Ok, now is all set. The table covered with a cloth, pancakes piled perfectly, the toppings on point. The flowers besides the plate and the correct mugs with homemade coffee.


I make my way to the bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible. When I arrive the room he's laying on my side of the bed and scrolling thorough his Instagram feed I'm guessing.

Tiptoeing, I move towards him and I place the table on top of him. "Sweetheart, breakfast is ready." He jumps slightly and looks up from is phone, when he sees me and the neatly made breakfast his mouth hangs open.

"R-Ry what, why?" His eyes meet mine and he's in total awe. "You didn't need to."

"Baby, it's nothing really," I pick up the fork and I hand it to him. "I wanted to surprised you, it's not too much and it was a at-the-moment kind of thing. But did you like it?"

I scratch the back of my neck looking at my feet and sitting on the bed. Feeling self conscious all of a sudden.

"Of course I liked it silly," he giggles taking the first bite. "Mmmm." He does this extremely long sound of delight with his eyes closed.

Oh he liked them, ok, everything's fine now.

"Oh, ok,"I take my own mug of coffee and I take a sip. "May I have a bite?"

He nods and cuts me a piece of pancake, not letting me grab the fork by myself and he feeds me like a child.

"Ry, I love you" Cheeks pink and soft giggles is what Brendon is right now.

"I love you too honey." I say with a big smile on my face when I swallow the food.

I lean down to catch his lips and he melts at the touch. "I love you, I love you, I love you." He mumbles between kisses, a little muffled but I know what he's saying.

The kiss tastes like whipped cream and chocolate. And I don't care, it makes the moment a little more romantic.

"I love you the most." I press our foreheads together and peck his lips one more time.

Hope you liked it! Bye<3
-Luv, N💕💖

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